Mercy Corps is a global team of humanitarians working together on the front lines of today’s biggest crises to create a future of possibility, where everyone can prosper.
Our mission: to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities.
In more than 40+ countries around the world, over 6,000+ team members work side by side with people living through poverty, disaster, violent conflict, and the acute impacts of climate change. We’re committed to creating global change through local impact — 95% of our team members are from the countries where they work.
We bring a comprehensive approach to every challenge, addressing problems from multiple angles. And we go beyond emergency aid, partnering with local governments, forward-thinking corporations, social entrepreneurs, and people living in fragile communities to develop bold solutions that make lasting change possible.
We invite you to watch the short video below, learn more about our work, and join us on our journey to change the world for good.
Position Title: Project officer Duty Station: Dollo, Kobe Open Position: 1 Program / Department Summary The DREAMS program aims to improve the we...
Mercy Corps with funding from WFP is currently implementing the “Climate-Proofing Food Security in Ethiopia’s drought-prone lowland areas” in Dollo Ad...
Position Title: Agronomy officer Duty Station: Dollo Ado Bokolmayo, Somali Region Open Position: 1 Program / Department Summary Mercy Cor...
Resilience Learning Activity. Terms of Reference (TOR) (SRP) | Consultancy on documentation of community planning processes and approaches to develo...
Date: 4-April-2023 Reference: MAR-HAR-0001 Tender Notice Mercy Corps is a non-religious, non-profit, and non-governmental international humanitaria...
Position Title: Senior Human Resource Officer Location: Mogadishu Position Status: Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is powered b...
About Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is a global team of humanitarians working together on the front lines of today’s biggest crises to create a future of p...
Request For Applications (RFA) Call Stimulating Private Sector-led live animal and meat trade in the RLP target areas Mercy Corps is an internationa...
Request For Applications (RFA) Call Strengthen Feed and Fodder Market System to enhance the resilience capacity of pastoral and agro pastoral communi...
Call for Applications Stimulating Private Sector-led Animal Health Service Delivery System in the RLP Program Area Mercy Corps is an international,...
Position Title: Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Coordinator Location: Mogadishu Position Status: Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps...
Knowledge Management and Learning Coordinator
Position Title: SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER, LIVELIHOOD – ENTER ENERGY SOMALIA (EES) PROGRAM Location Baidoa Position Status Full-time Number of Positi...
Position Title: Subgrant Compliance Officer Location: Baidoa-Somalia (with assignments for coverage duties in other country offices on need basis)...
Position Title: SENIOR PROGRAM ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, – ENTER ENERGY SOMALIA (EES) Program Location Baidoa Position Status Full-time Number of Posit...
Position Title: SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER, LIVELIHOOD – ENTER ENERGY SOMALIA (EES) PROGRAM Location Baidoa Position Status Full-time Number of Positi...
Position Title: Subgrant Compliance Officer Location: Baidoa-Somalia (with assignments for coverage duties in other country offices on need basis)...
Position Title: SENIOR PROGRAM ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, – ENTER ENERGY SOMALIA (EES) Program Location Baidoa Position Status Full-time Number of Posit...
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMEnt Title:Agriculture Specialist- Somalia Emergency Resilience and Response Initiative (SERRI) program. Location: Mogadishu but sup...
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMEnt: Position title: Market Systems Development specialist- Somalia Emergency Resilience and Response Initiative (SERRI) program. L...
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMEnt: Position title: Senior MEAL Officer - Somalia Emergency Resilience and Response Initiativ...
Position Title: Gender Equality, Diversity and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) and Safeguarding Officer Duty Station: Mogadishu Position Category: Full-t...
Terms of Reference Project name: Regional Livestock Program Title of assignment: Request for consultancy to conduct Assessment of Nafaqo meat Associ...
Scope of Work (SoW) for an e-Learning firm to Digitize the Resilience Learning Journey Curriculum Consultancy Title: Digitizing RPM’s Resilience Lea...
Terms of Reference (ToR): Technical Assistance consultancy for Production Efficiency, Market Expansion, and Team Capacity Building for Malab Dairy Com...
Title: Operations Manager Location: Mogadishu- Somalia with field travels to support all other country offices (Roaming/ support) Position Statu...
Title: Business Development Advisor Location: Kismayu Position Status Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is a leading global orga...
Title Program Officer Location: Kismayu Position Status Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is a leading global organization power...
Title: Project Manager Location: Mogadishu, Somalia Position Status Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is a leading global organizat...
Title: Business Development Advisor Position Description Location: Hargeisa, Somaliland Position Status Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps M...
Title Program Officer Location: Hargesia, Somaliland Position Status Full-time, Regular About Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is a leading global organ...
Project/Consultancy Title: Recruitment of Expert to conduct an Environmental Assessment for SIDA’s Inclusive Finance for Somalia’s Livestock Sector (I...