Resilience Learning Activity.
Terms of Reference (TOR)
(SRP) | Consultancy on documentation of community planning processes and approaches to develop Community Action Plans (CAPs).
Key Information.
Localization Somalia - Baidoa and Mogadishu.
Mercy Corps leads the implementation in Somalia of the ACDI/VOCA-led regional and country levels Resilience Learning Activity (RLA). Somali Resilience Partnership (SRP) platform is part of USAID regional Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) program in the HoRN of Africa which provides a platform for sharing practices and coordinating actions between implementing partners of USAID and other donors e.g., Foreign Commonwealth Development Organization (FCDO) and Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). The coordination between these donors is used to inform and leverage resilience and humanitarian activities by applying USAID’s collaboration, learning, and adapting (CLA) principles together, with an emphasis on providing opportunities at a granular level using sequencing, layering, and integration (SLI) approaches for implementation.
RLA currently is at the beginning of its Financial Year five (FY5) of implementation. Facilitating resilience learning is a top priority for the RLA-S program. RLA-S is planning to work with SRP members to formulate and document processes and approaches to develop Community Action Plans (CAPs). RLA-S will be identifying key SRP activities (Programs) to collect and document different modalities as well as the existing community action plans. RLA will report on the findings of this question entering Q3 of FY5.
RLA will hire a local consultancy firm to conduct the documentation of community planning processes and approaches to develop Community Action Plans (CAPs). The successful consultancy firm will be collecting data from SRP partners in Mogadishu and in Baidoa where interviews and feedback will be generated from the field-level staffs as well as active members of the SRP platform during the data collection processes.
Under RLA’s Objective 1 and the Intermediate Result 1.1 (Partnership meetings and collaboration in-between meetings) and activity 1.1.3 (Collecting the Main Communities' Action Plans (CAPs), these terms of reference details how the RLA team will be working with SRP members to collect and document the main Communities' Action Plans (CAPs) of SRP stakeholders. RLA-S will engage a local consultancy firm to identify key SRP activities (Programs) to collect, document and consolidate different modalities as well as the existing community action plans. Once the consolidation ends, RLA will generate reports based on the documented CAPs. This effort will help SRP partners in Somalia to point out their stakeholder priorities, need gaps in SRP operating areas. The documented CAPs will help operationalize the sequencing, layering and integration modalities at granular level by guiding partners identify and understand pressing community needs that can support community resilience capacities. Also, the documented CAPs will be stored in a centralized repository where future SRP partners can refer to the harmonized CAPs and use the resources for their proposal writing. In addition, the CAP repository will be critical in driving the process into more meaningful collaborations discussions among SRP partners which will result collective impact at the community and district levels. This will also spark collaboration and collectively generate lessons that will be used to formulate best practices and intervention packages that are critical for resilience building in the Somalia CDCS target zone.
In pursuit of this purpose, the RLA team will hire a local consultant firm to conduct an assessment to collect and document the different community action plans by SRP partners stakeholders and document them. This assessment will also help shape a pilot, based on RLA partners’ needs and aspirations in that space.
Specific objective.
The proposed documentation of community planning processes and approaches to develop Community Action Plans (CAPs) assessment will be used to collect data from selected SRP partners programs and consolidated. After the completion of the CAPS processes and approaches, the consultant will consider having a representative sample from SRP partners through key informant interviews.
Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used by the consultancy firm to document and consolidate the findings. The consultant will be responsible for developing the sampling methodology and preparation of the technical documents with support from the program team.
This process will be undertaken in close collaboration with the relevant RLA-S project staff.
The MEAL team will be responsible for the direction and management of the process.
The Final report is to be completed by 30th April 2024
Phase 1: Documentation of community planning process.
Phase 11: Development of Community action plan Products.
This process will be undertaken in close collaboration with the relevant RLA-S project staff.
The MEAL team will be responsible for the direction and management of the process.
The Final report is to be completed by 30th April 2024
The Final Report will be submitted in English language. The report and data collected must be provided to the project, together with copies of all questionnaires, audio/video recordings.
(if any), transcriPercent and all other relevant material and information collected or generated during the survey.
Specific requirements:
Consultants/firms that meet the requirements mentioned above are invited to submit a detailed technical proposal and financial proposal as per selection criteria on or before 13th March 2024 and should be addressed to referencing ‘Consultancy on documentation of community planning processes and approaches to develop Community Action Plans (CAPs) in the subject of the email.