1. Letter Of Invitation To Tender
Tender Reference:
Dear Sir/Madam,
1. LIFELINE-GEDO INVITES INTERESTED ELIGIBLE BIDDERS FOR PROCUREMENT OF SANITATION TOOLS IN MOGADISHU-DEYNILE BENADIR-REGION SOMALIA funded by SHF. Electronic bids should be submitted to the email address: procurement@lifelineorganisation.org or LLG office at Bula-Xubey opposite Qoobey restaurant Mogadishu, with the subject stating the tender reference number: - SR-5116/LLG/SOM//2024/ SANITATION TOOLS, If the email subject is not stated as instructed above, Lifeline-Gedo will assume no responsibility for any misplacement.
2. Your bid must include the following documentation so please use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting your bid to Lifeline-Gedo, failure to which the bid will be disqualified.
2.1 Introduction:
Lifeline-Gedo International (LLG) is a Humanitarian, Non-profit and non-governmental
Organization dedicated to responding to humanitarian emergences through provision of lifesaving support mechanisms in partnership with national and international role players, promoting peace and stability, advocate against all kinds of violence, initiate long term and short-term development projects.
2.2 Background of the Tender
Somalia is yet to fully recover from the effects of a devastating drought that ravaged the country between 2020 to mid-2023 followed by El Nino - induced extensive floods in the latter part of the year causing massive displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and disruption of basic services and livelihoods. The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plans (HNRP) identifies 10 priority districts whose intersectoral severity of need has deteriorated from ‘severe’ to ‘extreme’ levels of deprivation and proposes integrated responses to reduce vulnerability to future shocks and improve humanitarian outcomes. This Standard Allocation (SA) of US$25 million will target communities in five districts whose needs are forecast to deteriorate without sustained humanitarian assistance by (i) piloting the integrated response framework (IRF) as endorsed by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Banadir District which hosts the highest numbers of people in extreme need and (ii) implementing multisectoral responses in Baidoa rural, Gaalkacyo, Kismayu and Waajid to support ongoing responses to prevent deterioration in the severity of needs and mitigate further displacement.
The identification of priority districts and IRF offers the Somalia Humanitarian Fund the opportunity to support the HNRP’s strategy to meet the needs of people in critical need of assistance. It further speaks to the Fund’s principle of advancing integrated response during its allocations, and the Country Based Pooled Fund (CBPF) global guidelines advocacy for CBPFs to advance HNRP’s priority strategies. SHF’s ongoing anticipatory action (AA) allocation already aligns with the HNRP strategy for readiness ahead of anticipated shocks to reduce their humanitarian impact. With the likelihood of above average rainfall in the Gu season, and dry spell thereafter with prospects of La Nina later in the year the allocation will (i) build on post-shock responses and (ii) support ongoing responses to mitigate the potential humanitarian impact of the shock and help reduce vulnerability. The 12-month period of SA projects will cover both seasons and enable the adaptation of activities to changes in climatic predictions. While being responsive to the HNRP, the Fund will also leverage its wide network of national partners to target hard to reach and underserved areas.
2.3 Tendering Process
For queries, please contact Logistics at +252 615009808
Electronic bids should be submitted to the email address: procurement@lifelineorganisation.org or LLG office at Bula-Xubey opposite Qoobey restaurant Mogadishu, with the subject stating the tender reference number: - SR-5116/LLG/SOM/OCT/2024/ SANITATION TOOLS, If the email subject is not stated as instructed above, Lifeline-Gedo will assume no responsibility for any misplacement. The deadline for receipt of bids is on 11th November 2024, by 11:59pm. Any bid submitted after the deadline, will not be accepted.