Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy on Developing a Pharmaceu cal Warehouse Inventory Management System in Nugal region Under Damal Caafimaad Project.
PSI has been contracted by the Federal Ministry of Health of Somalia to implement the Damal Caafimaad Project, delivering the essen al health services package in the Nugal region of Puntland state of Somalia. The project is guided by the following specific objec ves: Reduce maternal and newborn mortality, reduce under-5 mortality and improve child health and nutri on, reduce excess mortality due to communicable and non-communicable diseases, and strengthen the health system to increase the coverage of the package. In the Nugaal region, the project supports a total of 74 healthcare facili es, including 1 regional hospital, 5 district hospitals, 36 health centers, and 32 primary health units.
PSI currently uses manual Excel-based sheets to manage the warehouse inventory records and health facility medical supply consump on data, which pose many challenges. These challenges include the lack of real- me stock informa on due to the absence of Real- me Inventory Tracking, leading to delays in stock visibility and poten al disrup ons in the supply chain. Addi onally, there is a significant risk of stock wastage because the current system lacks Expira on Date Tracking and Expira on Alerts, making it difficult to monitor and manage soon-to-expire items effec vely. The current adapted system also does not support automated Reorder Levels and Order Tracking, resul ng in frequent stockouts or overstocking, which can nega vely impact the availability of essen al medicines. Furthermore, the absence of efficient Stock Adjustment Op ons during physical counts contributes to inaccuracies in inventory records. The manual system is also limited in terms of Data Integra on and Valida on, lacking Automated Data Capture, Data Valida on, and Error Alerts, which increases the likelihood of human error and makes it challenging to maintain accurate records across the supply chain. Managing mul ple facili es is also problema c as the current setup does not support efficient Inter-warehouse Transfers, Facility Profiles, or Facility User Management, leading to coordina on difficul es. Lastly, the manual system's insufficient Repor ng and Analy cs capabili es hinder effec ve decision-making and the ability to monitor key supply chain performance indicators (KPIs). These challenges underscore the urgent need for a comprehensive Warehouse Inventory Management System (WIMS) to address these gaps and enhance the efficiency and reliability of the supply chain across various healthcare facili es, including hospitals, health centers, and primary health units in the Nugal region.
The objec ves of the Warehouse Inventory Management System (WIMS) are therefore closely aligned with the broader project goals of strengthening the health system by improving the management of pharmaceu cal supplies through enhanced data accuracy, mely decision-making, and increased opera onal efficiency.
PSI intends to develop a warehouse inventory management system to overcome these challenges and improve the efficiency and effec veness of managing pharmaceu cal supplies across various healthcare facili es, including hospitals, health centers, and primary health units in the Nugal region. The system will
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streamline opera ons such as stock receipt, dispatch, storage, distribu on, and inventory control opera ons.
Objec ve
The primary objec ve of this consultancy is to design, develop, and implement a comprehensive Pharmaceu cal Warehouse Inventory Management System. The system should be web-enabled and capable of opera ng offline for rou ne workflows using local server or cloud-based hos ng op on. This warehouse inventory management system (WIMS) will be used to manage the inventory of pharmaceu cal and non-pharmaceu cal supplies delivered to Nugal region Health Facili es.
Scope of Work
The consultancy shall undertake the following tasks:
Develop WIMS system that is a user-friendly and meets the specific requirements of the project. The system should be:
Secure: Employing robust security measures to protect sensi ve data.
Scalable: Designed to accommodate future growth and expansion.
iii. User-friendly: Featuring an intui ve interface and clear naviga on.
Repor ng func onality: Able to generate comprehensive reports and data visualiza ons.
Integrate a mul -stage approval workflow for key inventory processes, such as receipt, issuance, and inter-warehouse transfers. This will include:
- Item Receipt
- Item Issuance
- Inter-Warehouse Transfers
- Customized Approval Levels
- No fica ons: Automated email no fica on at cri cal workflow stages
In-scope func onali es, including:
- Real- me inventory tracking, batch and lot tracking, order management, stock expira on management, and repor ng and analy cs.
Out-of-scope func onali es, including:
- Advanced integra ons, mobile applica on development, Offline func onality features.
Integrate an approval workflow within the WIMS to support the receipt and issuance of items, with steps for approving various transac ons.
Incorporate automated email no fica ons at cri cal points in the workflow, such as when an item is received, when an approval is required, or when an item is issued.
Backup: The system should have backup capability to avoid loss of data in case of any disaster on our dedicated server
Train both PSI and MoH Supply Chain staff on the system func onality and management and transfer of skills to end users.
Train any other relevant staff such as PSI IT technicians on the WIMS to enable them to support the system.
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Key Features of the system
Inventory Control
Real-time Inventory Tracking
Batch and Lot Tracking
Stock Categorization
Storage Location Management
Inter-warehouse Transfers
Stock Adjustment Options
Order Management
Order Processing and Rationalization
Uploading of Orders via Excel or Direct Online Ordering
Reorder Levels and Order Tracking
Item Receipt
Stock Receipt Management
Supplier Management
Item Dispatch
Dispatch Planning and Shipment Tracking
Health Facility Management
Facility Profiles
Demand Forecasting
Facility User Management
Stock Expiration Management
Expiration Date Tracking
Expiration Alerts
FIFO/FEFO Management: ability to dispense or issue on first expiry first out basis or FEFO (for those that don’t have expiry dates)
Reporting and Analytics
Standard Reports, Custom Reports, and Dashboards
Calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Comprehensive Reporting for Supply Chain Management
Custom Reports: System allows for a system administrator or users to customize basic reports to meet their specific needs.
Quantification and forecasting: ability to quantify and forecast using stock history analysis, including losses and adjustments
Inventory accuracy: ability to facilitate stock counting (e.g. cycle counting and annual stock take)
Data Collection and Integration
Automated Data Capture
ERP Integration and API Support
Barcode/RFID Support
Data Validation
Auto-correction, Data Validation, and Error Alerts
Data Aggregation by Relevant Categories
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Data importation and extraction: The system should support the ability of importing and exporting/downloading of datasets to other programs such as Microsoft Excel, PDF or etc. for further analysis and reporting.
Attachments: system should able and support to be uploaded and kept attached documents.
Customizations and Extensions: The system must have a method for providing customizations and extensions that are developed for the system for additional coding and maintenance.
User Access and Security
User Roles and Permissions
Audit Trails and Data Encryption
Multi-user Access
ability to configure the password complexity, password lockout threshold and password resets.
Should have the latest security features
Project work follow procedures
Consulta ve mee ngs: The Consultancy is required to conduct consulta ve mee ngs with PSI and MoH and any other relevant stakeholders to fully understand the system features and requirements.
System design and prototyping: the Consultancy is required to design prototype and present to PSI to further seal off on what will be discussed in the consulta ve mee ngs.
Final system development: The Consultancy will develop the final system based on the feedback a er interac ng with the prototype. During this stage the Consultancy will s ll require having more interac ons with the users for clarifica on on specific issues during development and tes ng of each module and a er integra ng all modules.
Installing, tes ng and debugging the final system: the contracted Consultancy will carry out the installa on of the system and test will be done to ascertain that the system works well.
Development of user manuals and user training: the contracted Consultancy will have to develop comprehensive user manuals which will be used during the user training.
System Sustainability and post-Implementa on support
The consultancy shall ensure that the pharmaceu cal warehouse inventory management system is designed and developed with sustainability in mind. The system must be robust, scalable, and adaptable to future needs, including technological advancements and changes in inventory management prac ces. The consultant must priori ze user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive documenta on, and thorough
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training for all relevant personnel to enable effec ve long-term use. Addi onally, the system should include mechanisms for con nuous improvement, such as regular updates, feedback loops, and integra on of emerging best prac ces.
The consultant is also required to provide post-implementa on support to ensure the smooth transi on, effec ve opera on, and con nuous op miza on of the pharmaceu cal warehouse inventory management system. This support shall include, but is not limited to:
ü Technical Support
ü User Training and Capacity Building
ü System Updates and Maintenance
ü Feedback Mechanism
ü Exit Strategy
The consultancy firm should have the following qualifica ons and experience:
ü Proven experience in developing inventory management systems, preferably within the healthcare or pharmaceu cal sector.
ü Exper se in so ware development, par cularly in designing systems for mul -facility environments.
ü Demonstrated ability to manage complex projects and deliver within set melines.
ü Experience in conduc ng training and capacity-building for system users.
ü Strong understanding of supply chain management in the healthcare sector.
ü Exper se in data migra on, par cularly from legacy systems to new pla orms, ensuring data integrity and con nuity.
ü Experience working in low-resource se ngs, with a demonstrated ability to develop and implement solu ons that are effec ve in environments with limited infrastructure.
Interested consultants are required to submit the following:
ü A technical proposal outlining the approach, methodology, and work plan.
ü A financial proposal detailing the costs associated with the consultancy.
ü CVs of key personnel involved in the project.
ü Evidence of previous experience in similar projects.
ü Company profile (for firms) or individual profile (for independent consultants)
Please submit your technical and financial proposal at somprocurement@psi.org no later than November 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM.