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Short Term Technical Consultant for Developing a Social Covenant - DAI Global

Date Posted: Sep 21, 2024
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Job Detail

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  • Type:
    Full Time
  • Category:
    Social Science
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    No Preference
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  • Apply Before:
    Sep 26, 2024

Job Description





Proposed Personnel TBD

Position Short Term Technical Consultant for Developing a Social Covenant

Maximum Level of Effort 30 Days STTA - CONSULTANT

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE  October 2024 – November 2024

position reports to Program Implementation Director.

  1. About PCG

USAID’s Somalia People-Centered Governance (PCG) Activity is a five-year program promoting more effective and legitimate local governance in Somalia. Through various interventions, the Activity will encourage inclusive, fair, and transparent behaviors and decisions that increase the legitimacy of District Councils (DCs). PCG brings citizens and DCs together to co-design activities that build a strong foundation for sustainable, inclusive governance processes and service improvements. 

USAID PCG will promote more legitimate and effective local governance in southern Somalia and, in doing so, provide a credible alternative to al-Shabaab rule. Interventions under Intermediate Result 1 (“DCs are fairer and more inclusive”) seek to enhance the legitimacy of the Somali state by supporting districts to better manage resources and disputes (sub-IR 1.1) and promote more inclusive decision-making processes (sub-IR 1.2). Interventions under Intermediate Result 2 (“Improved performance of DCs”) seek to improve the performance - or effectiveness - of the Somali state by supporting districts to better respond to citizen priorities (sub-IR 2.1) and become more sustainable (sub-IR 2.2).

  1. Background

Somalia faces entrenched problems that cannot be resolved by focusing solely on the state. Historically, different clan groups have struggled to work together, viewing any competition for power as a zero-sum game. The past three decades have left deep scars, with dormant conflicts threatening to erupt at any moment. Officials often prioritize advancing their clan interests over serving the entire population, further widening the divide not only between the state and society but also within society itself. Thus, attempting to restore the state-society relationship is futile unless the relationships within society are first repaired.

Reconciliation within communities is a challenging task, but the prolonged civil war has heightened the desire for peace among the people of Somalia. This desire is driven by several factors: (a) communities have exhausted their resources in ongoing conflicts, (b) the easy access to small arms and light weapons has made even larger clans hesitant to engage in warfare with smaller clans, and (c) increased societal interactions through joint businesses and intermarriages between clans are fostering a sense of unity. PCG aims to seize this opportunity to enhance the community’s ability to adopt forward-looking perspectives and preventive strategies. This will help prevent existing and latent conflicts from emerging and spreading throughout the society or from spilling over from other areas.

As the Somali proverb goes, "AAN WADA HADALNO, WAA AAN HESHIINO," meaning "Dialogue is a prelude to consensus." Dialogue between the state and society, and within society itself, is crucial for improving relations, trust, and accountability. PCG will host forums where community members and state officials can engage in genuine discussions about their society's future, particularly regarding the development of the social covenant. Various strategies will be employed to attract all segments of society to participate in the development of this social covenant, ensuring broader acceptance and adherence.

To disseminate the social covenant bylaws agreed upon by the communities and guaranteed by the local government, PCG will utilize different platforms, including radio, television, peace caravans, mosques, and public places. PCG will prioritize restoring relationships within society and fostering a shared societal identity, contributing to the establishment of a functioning state system.

Moreover, PCG will seek social covenants from each major clan in the operational area to regulate daily interactions and behaviors, marking the first step towards establishing a social contract with the state. These social covenants will be co-created and endorsed by communities in each target district, aiming to identify and address critical issues affecting social cohesion. They will promote the district council as the primary institution responsible for enforcing the agreement. By prioritizing wider community concerns over narrow clan interests, social covenants aim to cultivate a more collaborative civic identity.

  1. Purpose of consultancy

PCG is seeking to hire an experienced Somali consultant to develop detailed step-by-step guidelines for a social covenant.

Social covenant theory, also known as social contract theory, is a philosophical concept that explores the origin and basis of society and government. It proposes that individuals voluntarily come together to form a society, agreeing to abide by certain rules and principles in exchange for the benefits of communal living and the protection of their rights.

This expert will play an essential role in ensuring the effective implementation of social covenant initiatives aimed at fostering civic responsibility, rule of law, and adherence to agreed-upon laws and customs.

The consultant will closely collaborate with PCG field teams, providing guidance on the implementation of social covenant activities in the four targeted districts of Afmadow, Galkayo-South, Hudur, and Warsheikh. The core mandate of the consultant is to design and oversee tailored guidelines ensuring relevance to the local context while strategically aligning with PCG and USAID's overarching goals.

Key responsibilities will include:

  • Developing the guidelines
  • Providing technical support and guidance
  • Coordinating with implementation teams
  • Documenting the agreed-upon bylaws


  1. Scope of the assignment

Objective: The consultant will develop comprehensive guidelines for social covenant development, train staff on the guidelines, support field teams in implementation, and document the bylaws.

  1. Development of Social Covenant Guidelines:
  • Develop detailed guidelines for creating social covenants, tailored to the unique socio-political context of Somalia.
  1. Training Staff Members on the Guidelines:
  • Develop and deliver training programs for PCG staff and other relevant stakeholders on the social covenant guidelines.
  1. Providing Guidance and Support to Field Teams in the Implementation of the Guidelines:
  • Offer ongoing support and technical assistance to field teams during the implementation of the social covenant engagement.
  1. Expected Deliverables
  • Develop detailed guidelines for creating social covenants, tailored to the unique socio-political context of Somalia.
  • Written letter from the Ministry of Interior and Local Government supporting the process of social covenant.
  • A schedule of training sessions and workshops.
  • Regular support sessions (virtual or in-person) with field teams to address challenges and provide guidance.
  1. Timeline.

The expert is expected to work no more than a total of 30 days between October and November 2024. She/he will report to the Program Implementation Director.

Experiences and Qualifications

  A master’s degree in social sciences, international development, studies, economics and public policy, or other relevant field.

  • Proven experience in conflict resolution, community engagement, and development of social covenants or similar frameworks.
  • Strong understanding of the socio-political landscape of Somalia and its clan dynamics.
  • Excellent communication, training, and facilitation skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders, including government officials, community leaders, and field teams.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Somali.

How To Apply

Interested applicants should send their application and CV through this

                                    Closing deadline is September 26th,

Skills Required

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