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Invitation to Tender for Rehabilitation of shallow wells and Construction of Water supply system in Oog District. - Welthungerhilfe

Date Posted: Apr 02, 2024
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    Apr 17, 2024

Tender Description


Rehabilitation of shallow wells and Construction of Water supply system in Oog District.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Somaliland, 02nd April, 2024

Tender Reference: SOM 1065/2024/021

Tender Procedure: National Open Tender

Madam, Sir,

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany and has no political nor religious affiliations. It was established in 1962 as the German chapter of the Freedom from Hunger campaign, which was led by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and is one of the first global initiatives in the fight against hunger. From rapid disaster relief to reconstruction and long-term development cooperation projects with local partners, Welthungerhilfe provides assistance from a single source. Since its foundation, WHH has provided 2.25 billion EUR of funding for more than 6,600 projects in 70 countries. Welthungerhilfe has been active in Somaliland since 2001 (Currently operates Awdal, Waqooyi-Galbeed, Togdheer and Sool Regions) and has expanded into South/Central Somalia through the cooperation with local implementing partners. Whilst Welthungerhilfes’ strategic focus is on building resilience and strengthening local humanitarian leadership, our 2023-2024 activities seek to respond to the present drought crisis through humanitarian relief. Welthungerhilfe has active projects in Mudug, Galagudd, Gedo and plans to expand its intervention in Bay and Hiran regions. The core areas of work in South central Somalia include: Humanitarian emergency assistance, Food Security, Resilience programs-agriculture, WASH and infrastructure restoration and rehabilitation.


For this project, Welthungerhilfe (WHH), with funds from BMZ, aims to enhance the livelihoods and resilience of 87,744 vulnerable agrarian and pastoralist people through protection and restoration of key natural resources and WASH services in agrarian, pastoral, and agropastoral areas through community-led actions and improved market access for key rural value chains. The project will partly be implemented by local NGOs in Somaliland in close collaboration with relevant local and regional authorities’ other key stakeholders.

Therefore, WHH is seeking potential qualified bidders for the rehabilitation of shallow well and construction of a water supply system in Oog as per annexed Designs and BoQs


Important Dates:

Newspaper publication date(s): 02.04.2024: 04:00 pm

Publication on the E- tender portal: 01.02.2024

Deadline for the Submission of Bid: 17. April 2024 23:59 pm.

Deadline for submission of inquiries/questions: 16.April.2024 02:00 pm

The signing of the Contract with the selected company and communication to unsuccessful bidders should be provided not later than the _____________________________________________

  1. General remarks and special condition
  • Interested bidders must be registered, and a holder of a valid business registration license and tax clearance certificate.
  • Must be in possession of a qualified technical team able to perform the desired work perfectly and to the required technical standards
  • The technical team must meet specific qualification and/or expertise as outlined in the ToR.
  • The bidder must be in possession of the necessary equipment/machines/ plants and tools to perform the task.
  • The bidder must produce a valid bank statement for the last six (6) months, financial report or a recently certified audit report.
  • WHH holds the right to make slight changes to the technical specifications and quantities provided.


  1. Participation: The tender is open on equal terms to all interested legal and eligible companies, or individual, legally registered and established locally in Somaliland or regionally (from the neighbouring countries but with permits to operate in Somaliland,) with proven experience and technical capacity in construction and rehabilitation of berkels, in addition to proof of financial capacity.   a)       The contract will be in one location and will only be awarded to one contractor/bidder based on satisfactory proof of capacity as outlines in General remarks and special conditions b)       The following technical specifications need to be adhered to:

How To Apply

Terms and Conditions of Contract:

The granted contract for the construction/engineering works is supposed to involve the application of the “Conditions of Contract” of Annex 1 of this document, hereinafter recognized as the “The Tender & The Contract.”

Otherwise, where not in confrontation or contradiction to the said “Conditions of Contract”, about it, the stipulated contract is subject to involvement of the “Welthungerhilfe Terms and Conditions for International Procurement of Goods, Works and Services”.

For more information, the said document can be found at the following web link:

  1. Offer Conditions

The offer must be valid for 90 calender days at a minimum.

Quotations must specify all details according to the tender text. All the competitors will receive written feedback after the selection process is done.

Application Procedure: Quotations must be submitted through the E- tender portal only not later than 17-April-2024 local time on 11:59 pm                                                                                                

Late submission will not be allowed.

To maintain overall transparency and accountability, all inquiries, in general, are to be submitted through the EU-supply portal only!

In case of any questions, go to the question section in the system and seek clarification from there.

NB: This tender invitation is valid without signature!


  • Tender Invitation  (this document)
  • BOQ Annex I
  • Designs and/or pictures, ToR are attached to the email for your reference.
  • WHH supplier declaration form
  • Un priced BOQ

Skills Required

Company Overview


Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid agencies in Germany; politically and religiously independent. The organisation fights for "Zero Hunger by 2030". Since being founded in 1962, it has provided funding of EUR 4.2 billion for more than... Read More

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