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Invitation To Bid for Consultancy for Semi-quantitative Evaluation Of Access And Coverage (SQUEAC) In Kismayo District - Save Children Somalia

Date Posted: Mar 18, 2024
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    Mar 25, 2024

Job Description


Save the Children International (SCI) Somalia program hereby invites interested consultants to

bid for the consultancy assignment detailed below.

Background Information

Save the Children International (SCI) has worked in Somalia/Somaliland since 1951. For nearly 65 years, Save the Children has provided humanitarian assistance in programmes to include Health; Nutrition; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Food Security &livelihoods, Child protection and child rights Governance programmes. SCI is currently supporting Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programs in a number of sites in Baidoa District. The CMAM is a methodology for treating acute malnutrition in young children using a case finding and triage approach. Using the CMAM method, malnourished children receive treatment suited to their nutritional and medical needs. Acute malnourished children are rehabilitated at home with only a small number needing to travel for in-patient care. The CMAM model was developed by Valid International and has been endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation’s Children Fund (UNICEF). CMAM was originally designed for the emergency context, as an alternative to the traditional model of rehabilitating all severely malnourished children through in- patient care at Therapeutic Feeding Centers. However, it is increasingly being implemented in the context of long-term development programming, with several Ministries of Health including components of CMAM in their routine services. Through the CMAM program, children who are severely malnourished are managed through the outpatient therapeutic care (OTP), while children with complications are treated through the in-patient program (Stabilization Centres-SC). Coverage surveys for example SQUEAC methodology are therefore an approach to identify the uptake of the program among the communities being served by the existing CMAM activities.                                 

Nutrition situation

The humanitarian situation in Somalia is among the most complex and protracted emergencies globally. The population of these two regions is exposed to multiple hazards and shocks, particularly recurrent droughts, and floods, endless conflict, and isolation of the districts which have increased in frequency and severity because of seasonal climate variability and the desert locust. In addition, there are economic shocks, forced displacement, conflict, insecurity, and inter-communal violence which collectively continue to restrict livelihoods, trade, and market functioning while contributing to population displacements, a vicious cycle of poverty, and vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity. Moreover, inadequate enforcement of disaster risk management and mitigation policies aimed at addressing climate change impacts to help build household and community resilience remains a critical gap. Furthermore, Kismayo district has a GAM rate of 14.6%a a serious level of malnutrition, In addition to that, Kismayo hosts the largest number of IDPs which means that these people need urgent support for the treatment and prevention of malnutrition among children 6 to 59 months.

According to the FSNAU post-Deyr 2023 SMART Survey conducted in Somalia between October-December 2023, an estimated 1.7 million children aged 6 – 59 months are projected to suffer from acute malnutrition and be in urgent need of nutrition services from January - December 2024. The total number of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) cases are estimated at 430,000 and 1.23 million respectively. An estimated 64% of the acute malnutrition burden is concentrated in South Somalia. Malnutrition in Somalia has three main underlying causes: (i) inadequate access to food or poor use of available food; (ii) inadequate childcare practices; and (iii) poor water, sanitation, and health services. Likewise, results from 50 SMART nutrition surveys conducted between October-December 2023 indicate that the national level median Global Acute Malnutrition prevalence has slightly increased - from a median GAM of 12.4 % to a GAM rate of 12.9% when compared both seasons of post-Gu’ and Post Deyr SMART Survey in 2023. Contributing factors to acute malnutrition include high disease burden, with a total of 31 assessed areas recording a high morbidity prevalence above 20% with the highest at 48.8% in Galkayo IDPs among children two weeks prior to the assessment. Fever, Acute Respiratory Infections/cough, and diarrhea were the most prevalent childhood illnesses reported. There were also disease outbreaks of acute watery diarrhea and measles.

Experiences and Qualifications

How To Apply

Application Procedure and Requirement

Candidates interested in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:

✓    A technical proposal with a detailed response to the TOR, with a specific focus on the scope of work, methodology, and timelines, and how the participation of children and persons and children with disabilities in the evaluation will be ensured.


✓      Initial work plan and an indication of availability.


✓    A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected including accommodation, transportation, stationery, data collectors, research assistance, and all other cost related to this assignment. (Operational and consultancy fees).


✓      Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references.


✓      At least two previously conducted similar studies.

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Applications can be submitted by either:


Electronic Submission via ProSave (Recommended)

➢      Submit your response in accordance with the guidance provided in the below document:



Bidding on a

Sourcing Event.pptx

  •  Bidders are encouraged to apply via Ariba system. Please request the Ariba link via email sending your company profile and Business registration certificate/CV. Please address your request to apply via ProSave to

Electronic Submission via Protected Email box (Optional)

related questions to this email address as they will not be answered.

  • The subject of the email should be “PR439485 SEMI-QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF ACCESS AND COVERAGE (SQUEAC) IN Kismayo DISTRICT, SOMALIA. – ‘Bidder Name’, ‘Date’’.
  • All attached documents should be clearly labelled so it is clear to understand what each file relates to.
  • Emails should not exceed 15mb – if the file sizes are large, please split the submission into two emails.
  • Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this will invalidate your bid.

Your bid must be received, no later than 25th March 2024

Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days

Skills Required

Company Overview


WE BELIEVE EVERY CHILD DESERVES A FUTURE. Around the world, too many children start life at a disadvantage simply because of who they are and where they come from. Millions of children are dying from preventable causes, face poverty, violence, di... Read More

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