Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization (SADO) is a non-partisan, non-Governmental, not-for-profit organization established in 1994. SADO's mandate and core functions are facilitating Community-Driven Development (CDD), which are actualized through (knowledge transfer, influencing, brokering linkages, and facilitating/ implementing integrated people-centered humanitarian and development programs. The main target groups of SADO include vulnerable and marginalized pastoralists comprising of individuals, families, groups, and communities.
SADO aims to promote long-term community-drive development among Somalia's most disadvantaged groups. The mandate and primary function of SADO are to assist in developing communities to realize their full potential. SADO's primary developmental strategy is to help communities discover answers to their socio-economic problems.
SADO has fostered good working relationships and collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including the FGS, FMS, CSOs, peer NGOs, INGOs, and development partners. SADO has worked with the key development partners: ACTED, NCA, Oxfam Novib, NEXUS platform, Somalia, and USAID. The organization engages closely with these like-minded agencies/institutions to pursue a comprehensive and integrated approach to programming.