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ToR for Scope of Work (SoW) for Consultancy to Develop the Financial Framework for MoECHE Somalia - Save Children Somalia

Date Posted: Apr 03, 2024
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    10 Year
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  • Apply Before:
    Apr 17, 2024

Job Description


Title of Consultancy: ToR for Scope of Work (SoW) for Consultancy to Develop the Financial Framework for MoECHE Somalia

SCI Contracting Office: Save the Children Somalia Country Office

Advert Date: 03 April 2024

Deadline: 17 April 2024

Period of Consultancy: Financial Framework: 01 May April 2024 – 30 January 2025

Consultant type required : Consultancy Firm/ Individual Consultant

Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs: Save the Children will pay the fees for the consultancy in a lump sum and will not reimburse any incurred costs during the assignment. The consultant will cover their Logistical arrangements and costs in the country to coordinate and implement the consultancy.

Taxation Provisions: The consultancy firm/individual shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.

Travel requirements: The consultancy firm/individual will cover their travel costs (tickets) and arrange local travel to field sites if needed

Security requirements: The Consultancy Firm/Individual will comply with standards of Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia.


The Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education of the Federal Government is responsible Establishing quality education system for all Somali citizens that offers equal opportunities and promotes respect for human rights and observes Islamic principles as articulated in the provisional Constitution of the Federal Government of Somalia (2012) and the National Education Policy (revised in 2023). The Overall goal of the education sector is to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood, basic and primary, secondary, technical and vocational, higher education, and complete with relevant and effective learning outcomes. The strategic goals of the sector are governed by the National Development Plan (2020-2024), the Education Sector Strategic Plan (2022-2026), the Somali Partnership Compact (2023-2026).

Save the Children has worked in Somalia for over 70 years and is a national and international leader in humanitarian and development programming. Our long operational history and broad geographical coverage, has afforded us positive working relationships with key stakeholders, including the federal government, state and local authorities, donors, international and local NGOs, as well as the trust and acceptance of the communities themselves. Save the Children has operational presence in 17 regions in the country, with over 640 national and international staff across 14 field offices. Save the Children implements a wide range of multi-sectoral humanitarian and development projects in Somalia. Our programming is guided by our Country Strategic Plan 2022-24 which follows a child life cycle model to make sure our programs consider a child and their needs holistically and respond with thematically integrated and age-appropriate interventions.


The System Transformation Grant (STG), funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), is a three-year initiative aimed at catalyzing sustainable advancements within the education sector of Federal Government of Somalia. With a robust focus on the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP 2022-2026) and the Partnership Compact's outlined priorities, the STG endeavors to bolster primary enrollment rates, enhance literacy and numeracy, and establish a transparent and efficient financial framework. The STG seeks to revolutionize the education landscape, ensuring equitable access to quality education across urban and rural areas while fostering accountability and efficiency in financial management. Through strategic partnerships and comprehensive interventions, the STG aims to lay the foundation for a transformed education system, driving socio-economic progress and prosperity for Somalia's future generations.

Purpose of the Consultancy:

The purpose of this consultancy is to support the MOECHE to achieve the top-up triggers outlined in the STG Program Document by leading the development and publication of financial framework to strengthen administrative and financial management across MOECHE and FMS MOEs approved; MOECHE and FMS MOEs relevant staff trained on its implementation.

In order to expand the public education system and provide opportunities to access quality basic education for the large number of out-of-school children in the country, the government will develop a financing framework that will enable it to regulate, distribute, and allocate resources directly to schools and other education institutions, ensuring that all geographic areas of the country benefit as well as ensuring that resources reach the different segments of the population. This will be a framework through which public and other resources are mobilized to finance education in the country. In addition, the framework will strengthen efficiency in the system by ensuring adequate planning and execution of the budget at all levels, including central, FMS, regional, district, and school, ensuring transparent execution and accountability linked to the achievement of planned targets (including those in the Compact) and capacity building at district/ school levels to plan/ execute expenditure and adequate accountability mechanisms. The framework will define roles and responsibilities for the FGS, FMS and schools, and mechanisms of funding flow from the TSA and state level revenues to schools to support expenditures at school level such as teaching and learning materials, school furniture and equipment, teacher salaries (those not on government payroll) security costs, utilities etc.

The activities under this consultancy will be implemented through a consultative and participatory approach. All stakeholders will be consulted and provided with an opportunity to contribute to the financial framework development process.

The consultant will also develop a comprehensive Procurement Manual for the MoECHE, to streamline and enhance its procurement processes. This consultancy aims to assist MoECHE in creating a standardized and transparent procurement framework aligned with international best practices and national regulations.

Specific Tasks and Objectives:

Task 1: Development of Financial Framework

  • Review relevant national and international financial management standards, regulations, and best practices applicable to the education sector and consistent with the Ministry of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia national level policies/Acts.
  • Identify gaps, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in the existing financial management systems and processes including the recommendations from the recently conducted fiduciary assessment.
  • Engagement of the different actors - FMS, FGS, non-state actors, and communities - defining roles /agreeing on the mechanism of resource distribution.
  • Develop a mechanism/framework for resource distribution that will ensure funds are allocated to schools, reaching the students.
  • Develop policy guidelines and financial framework document that will ensure funding is used to achieve national education goals while addressing the public financial management issues.
  • Develop accountability systems that ensures resources are used for their ultimate purposes.
  • Develop monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track the implementation progress and effectiveness of the Financial Framework over time.
  • Develop resource mobilization strategy.
  • Train the relevant MOECHE and FMS MOEs staff trained on the developed framework, and policy guidelines.
  • Ensure that the Financial Framework aligns with the Ministry’s strategic objectives, priorities, and budgetary constraints well aligned with the FGS public financial management act of MoF.

Task 2: Development of Procurement Manual

  • Design a detailed Procurement Manual for MoECHE Somalia, encompassing procurement planning, methods, bid evaluation, contract management, dispute resolution, record-keeping, and reporting requirements.
  • Integrate Global Partnership for Education (GPE) procurement guidelines and donor requirements.
  • Ensure alignment of the Procurement Manual with principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability.
  • Ensure the Procurement Manual is in line with National Procurement Act and national Financial Management Systems.

Task 3: Capacity Building

  • Develop training materials and manuals based on the finalized Financial Framework and Procurement Manual.
  • Conduct training sessions for MoECHE staff involved in financial management and procurement processes, emphasizing new procedures, guidelines, and best practices.
  • Provide ongoing support and mentorship to ensure effective implementation of the Financial Framework and Procurement Manual.

Specific Deliverables:

  • A detailed inception report including scope, process, methodology and timeline.
  • Assessment report highlighting current financial management practices and identified areas for improvement including the consultation report with feedback from the relevant stakeholders and line ministries.
  • Comprehensive Financial Framework document tailored to the Ministry’s needs, including policies, procedures, guidelines, and controls.
  • Training materials and conducted sessions for relevant staff members on implementing the Financial Framework.
  • Monitoring and evaluation framework for tracking the implementation progress and effectiveness of the Financial Framework.
  • Procurement Manual aligned with the MOECHE’s requirements and international standards.
  • Capacity Building materials and conducted training sessions for relevant MoECHE staff.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • This consultancy level of effort requires two independent consultants who will be engaged by SCI. SCI will select the two top qualified candidates to deliver this work. The consultants will work in a collaborative manner, with both reporting to the MOECHE and Grant Agent.
  • MOECHE and FMS MOEs – will provide all the necessary information/facilitation support to the consultant (s) that would help complete the deliverables successfully.
  • SCI – will manage the contract of the consultants and provide necessary support both technical and financial.
  • Consultants – will take the responsibility to accomplish the deliverables.
  • The consultant (s) will work closely with the MOECHE and FMS MOEs team and the SCI education technical team. The consultant will also liaise with education development partners as relevant.

Budget and Payment Terms:

The budget for the consultancy will be allocated based on a detailed cost breakdown provided by the consultant. Payments will be disbursed in installments upon satisfactory completion of agreed-upon milestones and deliverables.

Reporting and Supervision:

  • The consultancy will be supervised by the Permanent Secretary within MOECHE Somalia, with oversight from the GPE Grant Agent Chief of Party. Regular communication and reporting mechanisms will be established to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the consultancy process.
  • This consultancy level of effort requires two independent consultants who will be engaged by SCI. SCI will select the two top qualified candidates to deliver this work. The consultants will work in a collaborative manner, with both reporting to the MOECHE and Grant Agent.

Experiences and Qualifications

Qualification and Experience


The consultant (s) should possess the following qualifications and expertise the consultancy firm/individual.

  • At least a post-graduate university degree (master’s or equivalent) in Business Administration or any other relevant/related field.
  • A minimum of 15 years of relevant professional experience, demonstrating extensive experience in procurement management and policy development, preferably in the education sector or similar contexts.
  • Previous experience working with donor-funded projects, particularly with the GPE or similar organizations, is desirable.
  • Proven experience in conducting financial assessments, financial management or risk management policies and procedures for education sector or governments, particularly in challenging or fragile contexts. 
  • In-depth knowledge of international standards and best practices.
  • Experience of conducting functional audits, either financial or supply chain
  • Experience in developing standard operating procedures, either procurement or financial.
  • The consultant must have had previous experience of manuals reviews/contextualize where applicable.
  • Familiarity with Somali laws, regulations, and institutional frameworks.
  • Demonstrated capability to work under tight deadlines, delivering high-quality outputs within stipulated timeframes to meet the program's objectives effectively.
  • Excellent proficiency in English speaking and writing is essential for clear communication and documentation throughout the consultancy process.
  • Exceptional attention to detail and organizational skills are imperative to ensure accuracy and thoroughness in developing the associated documents.
  • Strong critical and analytical thinking skills are essential for assessing complex communication challenges and proposing innovative solutions tailored to the Somali context.

Selection Criteria

  • Submit a Technical Proposal that clearly explains the proposed methodology/ approach, and timeframe to conduct the evaluation. Proposals must clearly demonstrate a nuanced comprehension of the objectives as detailed in the Terms of Reference. This encompasses proposing a methodological approach that is not only innovative and robust but also intricately tailored to the distinct realities of operating within Somalia. Proposed methodologies should outline pragmatic and effective strategies for engaging stakeholders, collecting data, and analyzing, ensuring adaptability and effectiveness in the Somali context, and understanding of the TOR.
  • Submit financial proposal that clearly outlines the cost break down.
  • Prior relevant experience in conducting similar scope of work is an advantage, submit copies of fully signed contracts.
  • Consultant Expertise Prospective lead consultants and their teams are expected to demonstrate comprehensive qualifications and skills. submit CVs.
  •  proposed teams.

How To Apply

Submission Instructions:

  • Interested consultant (s) who meet the consultancy requirements are requested to submit both technical and financial proposal (daily rate) along with updated CV. Interested consultants must also submit relevant proof of experience.
  • Submissions must be made to this email, attaching all relevant documentation: Email should be addressed to:
  • The subject of the email should be “Consultancy National Education Fund_ MoECHE, Somalia” as the subject” “Consultancy to Develop The financial Framework_ MoECHE, Somalia”.
  • All attached documents should be clearly labelled so it is clear to understand what each file relates to. Emails should not exceed 15mb – if the file sizes are large, please split the submission into two emails. Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this will invalidate your bid.
  • Your application must be received, no later than 17th April 2024 at 0500pm.  Bids must be submitted to


The deadline for submission is 17th April 2024 at 5:00PM

Your bid must be received, no later than 17th April 2024 at 5:00PM 

In case you have questions, seek clarifications

          Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days

Skills Required

Company Overview


WE BELIEVE EVERY CHILD DESERVES A FUTURE. Around the world, too many children start life at a disadvantage simply because of who they are and where they come from. Millions of children are dying from preventable causes, face poverty, violence, di... Read More

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