Title: Consultancy to provide specialized expertise and services for Comprehensive Gender Analysis
Location: Banadir, Bay, Bakool, Lower juba, Sool and Nugaal.
Tentative time of Assessment: July 20 to 20 August, 2024
Key Working Contacts
Program Director, Head of Departments, Social and GBV Specialist, field staff and Technical Advisor – Gender Transformation
Since 1979 across 50 countries, Action Against Hunger (ACF) has contributed to the global effort to eradicate hunger by pioneering, piloting, and scaling up some of the most effective approaches to treating and preventing undernutrition around the world. ACF has been present in Somalia for the last 30 years. We are grateful for our longevity in Somalia - allowing us to develop a strong and practical understanding of the local context, as well as acceptance from and collaboration with communities, local partners, and local authorities, urgent humanitarian response and development needs of women, girls, boys, and men across the country. ACF has been a successful in the delivery of health and nutrition services (both treatment and prevention) by combining emergency health service provision and health systems strengthening. Similarly, it is intended to provide transitional support towards achieving longer-term development goals such as preventing malnutrition, strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), and active case finding at the community level through routine screening by CHWs as well as the mother-led MUAC initiative. ACF works closely with the Government especially the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, and other line ministries at Federal and State levels. ACF is a member of the Nutrition Cluster, Sexual Reproductive Health Taskforce WG, the Gender and Protection Advisory Group, WASH Clusters, and GBV and CP AoRs.
ACF Somalia program is currently implementing the Global Emergency Nutrition Response Program (GENRP II) funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). Under this project, ACF will be conducting a gender analysis to understand the context-specific gender dynamics and other contributing factors that result in inequalities in women, men, girls and boys with multiple intersecting identities.
The primary objective of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive Gender Analysis that will inform ACF Somalia’s strategies and actions to ensure gender transformative programming across ACF Somalia’s programs and projects. The gender analysis should consider the following domains:
In addition, the gender analysis should consider what is known about addressing gender in relevant types of activities. The gender analysis will be primarily based on qualitative and quantitative data as well as a desk review. The gender analysis will outline current opportunities and come out with strategies and recommendations to address the identified gaps with suggest solutions. The
recommendations will allow ACF Somalia to better integrate gender transformative approaches across different sectors including health, Nutirition, WASH, Food security and livelihood. Moreover, the recommendations will allow ACF Somalia to develop standalone gender and protection programs.
The gender analysis will be conducted in the following locations in Somalia: Banadir, Bay, Bakool, Lower juba, Sool and Nugaal. The locations will be finalized in consultation with the consultant and ACF.
ACF is looking for a suitable individual Consultant with the following skills and experience:
The interested and qualified individual consultant should submit the following documents:
Applications should be sent to the following email address: procurement@so- actionagainsthunger.org with the subject line "CONSULTANCY – SOMALIA GENDER ANALYSIS."
The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2024. All applications received before this deadline will be considered.