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Terms of Reference for Health Management and Leadership Training Consultant - SOS Children’s Villages

Date Posted: Apr 30, 2024
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    May 06, 2024

Job Description

Terms of Reference for Health Management and Leadership Training Consultant

  1. Background

SOS Children’s Villages Somalia chapter was established in 1984 as a grassroots response to deficiencies in the provision of caring, secure, and supportive foster care system for children who have lost parental care or at risk of losing in Somalia. As members of a Global Federation, SOS CV Somalia is committed to applying the Federation's statutes, standards for quality child care, and stringent financial and administrative practices. SOS CV Somalia is committed to the welfare of children who lost parental care or at risk of losing parental care – often ensuring that children grow up in a loving family environment, and strengthening families and communities as a preventive measure in the fight against child abandonment and social negligence. In Ensuring child safeguarding is mainstreamed across SOS programming and interventions, SOS Children’s Villages Somalia created and maintained a caring and protective environment, which promoted its core values, and prevents and addresses child abuse and exploitation. this included human resources development actions such as training and counselling. In this effort, SOS CV Somalia established and trained certified safeguarding investigation team, Ensures safe recruitment in all program locations and enhanced skills and knowledge on PSHEA and CS for Program

Considering the situation of Somalia, SOS Children’s Villages focuses on the provision of integrated lifesaving multisectoral interventions that are prioritized essential for the communities. These include Health, Nutrition, Multipurpose Cash Assistance, WASH and Community Child Protection Interventions. SOS Mother and Child Hospital in Mogadishu is one of the oldest and most reputable hospitals in Somalia that has laid the foundation for SOS Health Programmes throughout the country. The hospital provides high-quality medical care to all patients without discrimination. It serves the health care needs of thousands of vulnerable women and children. The Mogadishu hospital served as a national referral institution and provided secondary and specialized health care, including pregnancy and infant care services.

SOS CV Somalia runs an impactful health & humanitarian response program that spans 9 districts in four regions with annual reach of 1.5 million beneficiaries reached with comprehensive primary and secondary healthcare services, management of acute malnutrition, Water, Sanitation, and hygiene promotion and protection risks prevention and response. Through the strategic partnership, SOS CV Somalia acquires funds from several donors including ECHO, BHA, UN, BMZ and currently venturing partnership with local cooperates.

To strengthen the delivery and implementation of services SOS CV organized training in health leadership and management for staff engaged in service delivery.  The Health Management and Leadership Training is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals in managing and leading healthcare organizations effectively. This training aims to develop their leadership capabilities, strategic thinking, decision-making, innovation and learning to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing healthcare landscape.

1.2 Description of programme location and context

SOS Humanitarian response projects date back to 1991 when the first health center was converted to a public hospital to respond to the health and nutrition needs at the time. The services have since expanded with the establishment of another health Centre in Baidoa in 2008. SOS CV expanded humanitarian response program now comprises of 9 district hospitals, 3 health centers, six mobile clinics and college of Nursing training health workers. Annually more than 1.5 million people benefit from health, nutrition, WASH, Multipurpose Cash Assistance and protection services covering four regions in Somalia namely Banadir, Middle Shabelle, Bay & Bakool. Our health and nutrition program are aligned with Somalia Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS) and make significant contribution to the country’s health sector strategic imperatives.

An array of health workforce numbering close to 700 are employed and render quality services across the locations comprising of doctors, nurses, midwives, nutrition staff, laboratory technicians, data clerks, pharmacists and other paramedical staff. Despite efforts in quality service delivery, such an expansive program cannot properly function if the leadership at local and national level is not properly empowered and capacitated with relevant management and leadership skills. Patient safety, environmental safety, infection prevention and control, service quality and responsiveness are key concerns that we constantly evaluate for the sake of the communities our programs reach.

In view of this, SOS wishes to engage the services of a consultant to undertake health management and leadership training for our health program staff to steer, innovate, motivate teams and partake leadership and management roles to deliver quality, safe, reliable and efficient services in the country. 

  1. Objectives.

The main purpose of the consultancy is to train HCWs in health management and leadership. The specific objectives of the assignment are to:

  • To equip healthcare professionals with the necessary management and leadership skills to excel in their roles.
  • To enhance participants' understanding of healthcare management principles, including strategic planning, financial management, and human resource management.
  • To develop participants' leadership competencies, including communication, team building, and change management.
  • To provide participants with practical tools and techniques to address common challenges in healthcare management.
  • To foster networking and collaboration among healthcare professionals to share best practices and experiences


  1. Methodology.

After the opening, each proposal will be assessed first on its technical quality and compliance and subsequently on its price. The proposal with the best overall value, composed of technical merit and price, will be considered for approval. The technical proposal is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Terms of Reference (TOR).

Bidders may additionally be requested to provide additional information (virtual presentation or phone interview) to SOS Children’s Villages on the proposed services.


The criteria for selection are:


Method: The proposed method for evaluating the programme should be on the basis of its responsiveness to the Terms of Reference (TOR).

Timetable/work plan: The timetable/work plan is realistic and meet the needs of the programme

Cost: The cost of the proposal is reasonable and feasible, given the other aspects of the proposal

Experience: The training and experience of the consultants in evaluations and recommendations from organizations for which the consultant(s) has previously worked


  1.  Scope of Work and Assessment Area of Focus.

The consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks in order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives:

  1. Familiarize himself/herself with Somalia HSSP 111, EPHS and other policy documents as they relate to the assignment.
  2. Pre-training assessment of the training needs of training participants to gauge their level of competency, knowledge and skills.
  3. Use findings from training needs assessment to design course curriculum and to inform the teaching & learning strategies.
  4. Design training tools, learning materials and training methodologies that suits adult learning and use the same for training. 
  5. Conduct pre-& post-test to understand entry and exit behaviors of the training participants


  1. Duration of the assignment.

The overall assignment will cover a period of 6 working days.

  1. Expected Deliverables.

The evaluation will be carried out in 3 stages. All steps that lead to deliverables are marked in bold.

Stage 1: Prepare

Undertake all required preparations for the training: propose detailed methodology, identify training needs, develop course content & learning materials, consult Somalia HSSP 111, EPHS & conduct desk research, Submit and secure approval for the course curriculum, course content, design and methodology in an inception report.

Stage 2: Conduct

  • Facilitate learning during the training sessions.
  • Appraise the learning, methodologies and tools and use this to improve learning.
  • Receive feedback from learners

Stage 3: Submit findings

  • Preparation of a draft training report in English
  • Presentation of the training report to the Director of Humanitarian Response Program & NPD
  • After having received feedback from the various stakeholders – finalize the report and submit it in English [and other language if needed].


  1. Refinement of learning materials, course curriculum, course content, design and methodology in an inception report
  2. First draft of the final training report in English
  3. Presentation of preliminary training report to SOS Children’s Villages Somalia Country and International (face-to-face)


Report criteria

The evaluation will result in the concise training report in English with a maximum length of 100 pages including an Executive Summary. All confidential information should be kept in a separate annex to protect participants. The final report should be provided electronically and in hard copy.

The report format below must be strictly adhered to:

  • Cover page

o  Title of training report

o  Country, programme, date of training

o  Name of consultant

  • Executive summary (maximum 2 pages; cross-reference pages or paragraphs in the main body)

o  Training action

o  Purpose and methodology (incl. limitations and challenges)

o  Main conclusions, recommendations, and lessons learned

  • Main body

o  Each UNIT (Subject), learning outcomes, mode of learning, contents, assessment methods, key references, the structure of the main body is determined by the desired results (See 2.3)

o  For each key conclusion, there should be a corresponding recommendation that is realistic, pragmatic, and operational

  • Annexes

o  Terms of Reference

o  List of persons trained

o  Per-post test results

o  Training photos

o  Learning materials & course content


  1. Expertise required.

The researcher / team of researchers must have:

  1. proven competency (record of previous experiences) in health management & leadership training project/programme evaluations.
  2. a good understanding of development work & Human Resources for Health (HRH) in Somalia
  3. A good understanding of child rights and issues affecting vulnerable children and their families
  4. good facilitation, organizational and interpersonal skills
  5. Proven experience in participatory processes and data collection methods (including age-appropriate data collection methods)
  6. Strong analytical and conceptual skills
  7. Excellent written communication skills


  1. Logistical arrangements

When at the programme location, accommodation and transport to the field will be organized by the member association, including the full coverage of costs during the entire stay of the researcher(s) (not to be included into price proposal).

National or location level staff (SOS) will be available to help organizing the interviews including contacting SOS, announcement and local preparation of evaluation, linking to community duty bearers and national authorities if required.

  1. Timetable

The training will be conducted within the month of May and final report prepared over a period of [6 days. The final report should be submitted by 16th May 2023

Experiences and Qualifications

Selection Criteria

The recommendation for the award of the contract will be based on the best combination of a technical and financial score. All proposals will be assessed on their technical merit and price.

  1. Safeguarding.

SOS Children’s Villages organization is committed the safeguarding of the of the rights of the children and therefore, it is expected that every individual or a firm working with SOS Children’s Villages Somalia understands his/her responsibility in protecting and keeping children safe always. SOS Children’s villages Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all stakeholders must adhere to and the consultant is bound to sign and abide by the SOS Children’s villages Code of Conduct.

A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service. The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of SOS Children’s villages. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if SOS Children’s villages Somalia discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

  1. Applications

Interested and qualified consultant should submit the following to SOS CV Somalia:

  1. a)The technical proposal detailing the methodology of undertaking the assignments described in the TOR, tentative work plan as well as relevant knowledge and technical expertise of the consultant/consultants undertaking the assignment.
  2. b)The financial proposal indicates all-inclusive costs for undertaking the tasks described in this Terms of Reference (ToR).
  3. c)Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references
  4. d)A sample of previously conducted similar studies.
  5. e)Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.

How To Apply

To submit applications for this consultancy, please send the documentation to:

Please send your completed applications not later than 6th May 2024

Skills Required

Company Overview


Founded in 1949, we are the largest nonprofit in the world dedicated to the care of orphaned, abandoned and other vulnerable children.  Through our family support and care programs, medical centers, schools and emergency relief efforts we impact the... Read More

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