TERMS OF REFERENCE for CLTS (Community Led Total Sanitation) TRAINING
GREDO-Gargaar Relief and Development Organization
Position Title
Consultant (Individual or Firm)
Location of assignment
Announcing Date
7th of December 2024
Closing Date
22nd of December 2024
Commitment to Diversity
GREDO is an equal opportunities employer.
Submission Email:
Organizational Background
GREDO is a Somali based national NGO established in 1992 and with Registration no: NGOD/MOIFAR0432/022.GREDO is a local non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian and development organization with its headquarter in Baidoa, another main office in Mogadishu and have field offices and operational programs across south central Somalia in 16 districts. GREDO has in depth experience operating in Somalia fragile context and first-hand experience working with local communities delivering a range of humanitarian, recovery, resilience and development interventions with a focus on addressing Food Security, Livelihoods, Nutrition, Health and WASH services, Peacebuilding, Education, protection, and advocacy funded by a wide range of donors and partners. GREDO is also part of Danwadaag, Leave No Girl Behind (LNGB), BRCiS, NEXUS, GAVi Alliance and Somali NGO and BRCiS consortiums.
GREDO has strong presence in south and central Somalia an operating in 18 districts as of now. The organization has strong technical expertise in key cross cutting themes/mainstreaming e.g. disability, inclusion, gender, AAP, Do no harm, and protection of human rights. The organization also invested in building community trust enabling community acceptance to deliver humanitarian services in hard-to-reach underserved areas in South and Central Somalia.
1. Assignment Introduction.
Improved sanitation and hygiene practices contribute to providing a strong foundation for the realization of positive child survival outcomes, improved socio-economic development and wellbeing of the society at large. The access to improved sanitation in Somalia and the Southwest State federal member state of Somalia is low estimated at 24% according to the Somalia WASH cluster data, The Southwest state hosts the largest IDP population in Somalia after Mogadishu. Low latrine coverage therefore means open defecation is prevalent across the state with the situation in the IDP camps been very critical.
GREDO with its humanitarian partners has been working in the Southwest region for 33 years implementing WASH programs including both hardware and software targeting the most vulnerable households comprising of IDPs and vulnerable host communities affected by various shock including natural and man-made disaster such as floods, droughts and conflicts.
The approach to the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach has been implemented in different countries of the world. CLTS is an integrated approach that focuses on achieving and sustaining open defecation free (ODF) status. The approach entails the facilitation of sanitation profile appraisal and analysis of defecation practices by community members themselves and the consequences leading to collective action to become OD Free. CLTS initiatives encourage community self-analysis of existing defection patterns and threats, and promotes community led local solutions to reduce and ultimately eliminate the practice of open defecation. Instead of focusing on latrine construction as a goal, CLTS helps communities and individuals to understand the health risks of open defecation and use disgust as a a trigger to promote collective and individual action culminating in the construction of locally built, low-cost household latrines. The overall goal of CLTS is to enable the communities to achieve an open defecation-free status and sustain it. The CLTS approach, if sustained, is expected to improve the latrine coverage and eliminate open defecation.
GREDO, through the support from BRICS plans to undertake training for its BRICs project staff on CLTS and undertake triggering of communities in Baidoa and Dinsoor by engaging a CLTS expert.
Assignment Summary.
GREDO is seeking a qualified consultant (individual or firm) to deliver CLTS training for its field staff for 10 days including reporting period. This training program aims to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the CLTS approach, including its principles and implementation strategies. It will also develop skills for effectively engaging local communities and preparing staff to implement CLTS initiatives, ultimately improving sanitation outcomes such as achieving sustainable open defecation free (ODF) status. The consultant will be expected to maintain strong working relationships with local communities, authorities, partners, and other stakeholders as necessary. The consultant will report to the GREDO Program Director and collaborate closely with the GREDO WASH Program Coordinator.
Consultant Responsibilities.
The consultant will be responsible for
v Conducting CLTS training for 10 project staff.
v Creating a comprehensive training outline that covers CLTS principles, methodologies, and best practices tailored to the context of Baidoa and Dinsor.
v Developing training materials, including presentations, handouts, and visual aids to facilitate effective learning.
v Conducting interactive training sessions for GREDO staff, ensuring engagement and understanding of CLTS concepts and practices.
v Utilizing participatory techniques to encourage discussion, group activities, and hands-on learning experiences.
v Facilitating and triggering sessions to raise awareness about sanitation issues, prompting community members to analyze their defecation practices and develop local solutions.
v Guiding the staff in taking ownership of sanitation initiatives, fostering collective action towards achieving open defecation-free (ODF) status.
v Compiling a comprehensive report detailing the training process, outcomes, community engagement results, and recommendations for sustaining ODF efforts.
v Submission of the final report in both Word and PDF formats, summarizing key findings and insights from the training and triggering sessions.
v Collaborating closely with GREDO staff throughout the training process, providing guidance and support as needed.
v Be flexible and responsive to the specific needs and dynamics of the field staff engaged in the training.
v Training outline and materials.
v CLTs model and manual training
v Inception report outlining training plans.
v Conduct training sessions and community triggering activities.
v Monitoring and evaluation framework.
v Wrap-up evaluation meeting to discuss lessons learned.
v Final training report, this shall include end of training evaluation.
GREDO Responsibilities
v To ensure the successful and smooth execution of the assignment, GREDO will offer all necessary support, which includes coordinating with partners, managing logistics, facilitating GREDO staff participation, providing meeting rooms, arranging accommodations at the GREDO Baidoa guest house, and assisting with community engagement efforts.
The objective of this ToR is to carry out training on CLTS for GREDOs project staff teams and undertake triggering of communities in Baidoa and Dinsor in Southwest state
By the end of the training participants will be able to:
v Understand better how open defecation contaminates the environment.
v Understand Community- Led total Sanitation
v To facilitate and practice CLTS within the community.
The training shall incorporate three main parts: -
v Introduction of CLTS
v Planning for the field
v Pre triggering community meeting at the field
v Triggering in the community set up in the target villages
Scope of work
The consultant will be responsible, together with GREDO who is hosting and organizing the training, for:
v Organizing the venue and logistics of the training.
v Develop his proposal/ outline for the training
v Facilitating the training
v To appoint trainers and facilitators based on the CLTS training output and skills of
v Translations during the training and practice.
v The consultancy fee will be negotiated before formal contract and payments will be based on successful completion of agreed deliverables. Pls note to quote all expenses inclusive e.g. travel cost, accommodation, periderms and other costs during this exercise.
Requirements (Qualification, Skills and Experience).
Interested individuals’/institutes/ firms should possess:
v Proven experience of CLTS and other health and sanitation related training courses.
v Water and sanitation or public health, Environmental Health expert competent in community engagement and mobilization approaches
v A minimum of 6 years’ experience in WASH, CLTS, PHAST and CHAST training
v Well versed with participatory adult training methodologies
v Fluent in Somali, English
v Excellent facilitation skills
v Good communication and interpersonal skills with proven abilities to train both Project staff teams and community members
Child Protection
The responsibilities of the post will/may require the post holder to have regular contact with children or young people.
Core Values
v Integrity
v Honest,
v Openness
v Transparency
Application Submission.
The consultant/applicants shall send a letter of application, updated CV(including 3 Professional referees for individual consultant), a technical and financial proposal indicating his/her understanding of the TOR, showing detailed work plan, clearly indicating duration of the exercise, budget and methodology that will be used to execute the assignment to consultants@gredosom.org and indicate the position applied for in the subject (Consultant for Community LED- Total Sanitation (CLTs) training). The deadline for application and document submission is 22nd December 2024.
If requested by or in the name of a company, kindly send only technical and financial proposals with detailed work plans clearly indicating duration, budget and method of assignment facilitation.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
GREDO is an equal opportunities employer