Terms of Reference: Consultancy: for Complaints, Feedback, and Response Mechanism(CFRM) and MEAL.
The University of Hargeisa, legal Aid clinic (LAC), in collaboration with International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and other consortium members, is promoting a reformed and modernized Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system through the establishment and operationalization of a new ADR Centre in Somaliland under the Program 'Strengthening the social contracts through access to justice" funded by the Government of the Netherlands (Also known as Damal Programme). The programme aims to foster the social contract in Somaliland by increasing the legitimacy of justice institutions.
The overall goal of the programme is expected to be achieved through three (3) intermediate outcomes: (1) improved access to an Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) mechanism and referral pathways, especially for vulnerable groups; (2) enhanced access to formal justice for vulnerable groups through holistic support to gender-based violence (GBV) survivors and affected communities; and (3) increased participation of citizens in Somaliland in accountability processes relating to the provision of security and justice. The specific mandate of each Centre is to facilitate the practice of ADR and settle claims and disputes at the community level, facilitating and increasing access to justice for the local population, particularly vulnerable categories.
About Legal Aid Clinic
The University if Hargeisa LAC is an autonomous statutory body established by the University of Hargeisa College of Law in 2002. The objective of the Legal Aid is to render or make available legal assistance to poor and disadvantaged persons in Somaliland as contemplated in the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland, which guarantees every citizen to avoidable access to justice.
The legal aid clinic provides assistance to economically disadvantaged individuals within the boundaries of Somaliland. However, the legal clinic provides legal service on the matters that fall within the legal arena of criminal law civil law, human rights, and access to justice and child and women unit. Through this clinical work, students are expected to improve their skills in respect to interviewing, counseling, and mediation skills, and research writing skills.
The overall objective of this assignment is to is to strengthen the organization's M&E framework by developing robust systems for tracking program outputs and outcomes. The M&E Consultant will play a key role in ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and timeliness for informed decision-making. The second objective of the consultant is to develop a structured system of complaint, feedback, and response mechanism CFRM which will allow the individuals in communities to express their concerns, provide feedback, or raise complaints about the services they receive from the Damal program. and reporting purposes develop a referral pathway for the justice sectors including the MOJ and the ADR centers. The third objective of the consultant is to is to develop a clear and comprehensive travel policy that outlines the procedures, guidelines, and responsibilities related to travel within the organization. The policy should address key areas such as travel authorization, booking procedures, expense reimbursement, travel safety, and compliance with organizational and donor regulations.
University of Hargeisa, legal aid clinic is seeking a short-term national consultant, who will be closely working with the legal aid clinic of Hargeisa University (LAC). The consultant will be part of the access to justice project funded by IDLO and he/she will be responsible develop a robust systems for tracking program outputs and outcomes, ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and timeliness for informed decision-making. And a structured system of complaint, feedback, and response mechanism CFRM.
Language skills
Fluency in oral and writing for both Somali and English
Skills & Personal Attributes.
Qualified persons should send their CV and Application letter in one attachment not more than five pages to muhamedabdi2009@gmail.com the deadline will be on 12 April 2024 at 3 PM.