For the provision of renewable energy solutions covering financing, development, construction, and O&M
Including, but not limited to, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), Energy Financing Agreements (EFAs) and Lease Agreements for Renewable Energy Projects
EOI number: SOM/007/2024
A. Background
1. The World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. In 2023, WFP assisted 152 million people in over 120 countries.
2. To deliver on this mandate, WFP relies on a network of capillary infrastructure including offices, warehouses, guesthouses, workshops and other premises, located strategically across different countries up until the last mile. In the broader Eastern African region, WFP operations include 406 premises, which rely heavily on diesel generators, resulting in high operating costs and CO2 emissions.
B. Purpose and Scope of work
4. The purpose of this EOI is to identify well-established, licensed, and fully qualified suppliers, with verified technical and financial capacity, to provide renewable energy solutions covering financing, development, construction, and O&M requiring limited or no upfront capital expenditures.
5. The target site is the WFP office and guesthouse compound in Dolow, Somalia
6. Companies should have proven experience in raising the necessary capital and provide bespoke financing solutions to cover (part of) the upfront investment for the energy solutions in Somalia or the region.
7. Companies should have proven experience in mobilising relevant insurance schemes to secure the offered energy contract.
8. The targeted project site will have a yearly energy supply need of approximately 460 MWh for approximately 100 office workspaces and 35 accommodation units.
9. The solar system will be implemented in an off-grid location.
10. Companies should be fully licensed and registered, or have local partners that are licensed and registered, in Somalia.
11. Companies should be able to provide and deliver a solar system that is practical, appropriate, and adaptable to a remote and complex/volatile area in Somalia.
12. Eligible suppliers will be invited to participate in a tender. Eligibility to participate in the tender will be determined based on documentation provided in response to Section C.
13. After the deadline for submission of responses has passed, WFP will evaluate responses received and will notify eligible participants of the outcome of the evaluation.
C. How to prepare and submit your Expression of Interest
14. To participate in the pre-qualification exercise, companies are required to provide the following:
• Table 1. WFP Requirements
• Table 2. Supplier Information;
• Table 3. Supplier Financial Status;
• Table 4. Supplier Relevant Experience;
• Copies of business registration certificates, tax compliance certificates and any other licenses necessary for the operation of the company.
• Table 5: Signatory by the authorized company representative and company stamp.
14. All supporting documentation listed above shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions provided and sent to, copying;, and .
15. The deadline for response to this request for EOI: (24th November 2024 at 23:59PM)
17. WFP will not consider incomplete or unsigned submissions. All responses and supporting documentation received will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be made available to the public.
18. This request for EOI does not constitute a solicitation. WFP reserves the right to change or cancel this procurement process or any of its requirements at any time during the process; any such action will be communicated to all participants.
19. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at
Head of Supply Chain.