II. Background Information
About the MIDA FINNSOM III, Health and Education Project
The past decades have seen continued migration from various African countries, causing a “brain drain” that has debilitated various public sector systems across the continent. Through the IOM Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) programme, Somali diaspora professionals have supported institutional capacity building, service delivery, and policy development of health and education institutions across Somalia since 2015.
The MIDA FINNSOM PHASE III – Health & Education project – contributes to strengthening the Health and Education sectors in Somalia towards achieving specific priorities in the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) and the Essential Package for Health Services (EPHS), as prioritized and outlined by the government. The project aims to do so by engaging and enhancing the role of qualified Somali diaspora experts willing to temporarily return to their country of origin. In particular, through assignments within key ministries and public institutions (including hospitals and universities), Somali diaspora experts contribute addressing gaps and enhancing strengths in the planning and delivery of health and education services, coherently with the needs identified through the dedicated baseline assessment conducted during the inception phase of the project. Furthermore, a component of the project is devoted toward contributing to the creation of stable and sustainable access to employment opportunities in the health and education sectors for local experts and interns, who will work in close coordination with the Somali diaspora experts - therefore reaping long-terms benefits of knowledge transfer, competencies sharing and skills development.
III. Duties & Responsibilities
The Federal Government of Somalia’s Ministry of Health and Human services (MoHHS), through the technical assistance provided by the IOM MIDA FINNSOM III Health and education project, seeks to build the skills of its qualified midwife.
Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Director of the Hospital, the qualified midwife will carry out the following duties and responsibilities:
IV. Requirements
Besides the specific outputs mentioned in section III, the MIDA FINNSOM III Heath and Education project is requiring the following deliverables to be submitted throughout the assignment. These are the standard requirements for all assignments under this project:
Level of Education: Minimum: BSc midwifery; Desired: MSc
Years of work experience in what area(s): Minimum 5 years of working experience as a Midwife
Languages needed:
General Skills / Other Requirements:
The monthly stipend amount will be determined by the MIDA FINNSOM III, Health and Education project, based on degree and years of relevant experience.
All applications must be sent via email to: midasomvacancy@iom.int with the following reference as a subject in your e-mail: APPLICATION – as mentioned in the vacancy announcement.
To be considered, applicants must provide a cover letter, CV, and the contact information (email and phone number) of two professional references by the closing date of this vacancy. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The closing date of this application is 21.08.2022, at 12.00 PM EAT.
While this project is geared toward the Somali-Finnish diaspora, members of other Somali diaspora communities are also welcomed to apply. Females are highly encouraged to apply and participate in the MIDA FINNSOM III Health and Education Project.
Health insurance—including evacuation due to a medical emergency—will be provided by the project. However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are physically fit and able to work in a hardship area in Africa.
Please note that IOM, according to the contract, will not be responsible for the security of qualified Somali expatriates. The host beneficiary institution will be responsible for the security of the individual.
Before leaving the country of residence or upon arrival in Somalia, the qualified Somali expatriate will receive a pre-service briefing including security advice and cultural background.