General information:
Application Deadline: 09.10. 2024.
About PAH
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is non-governmental organization consisting of people who want to make the world a better place. For over 30 years, we have been providing relief in big and small emergencies worldwide alongside with running long-term missions in several countries in crisis. Our interventions – of both humanitarian and development character – have been carried out in more than 40 countries so far. We concentrate on ensuring sustainable and stable development of regions suffering the consequences of war and/or natural disasters. We possess long-standing expertise in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), but also implement projects in Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), as well as Nutrition and Education. For more information, please refer to: www.pah.org.pl.
PAH Mission in Somalia:
reservoirs. In our work we also focus on other WASH components that are improvement of sanitary conditions and raising awareness on hygiene and sanitation – to make our WASH interventions comprehensive. We are implementing projects funded by ECHO, ARCHE NOVA SHF and WFP targeting the most vulnerable communities in Banaadir, Middle Shabelle, Lower shabelle, Bay, Mudug and Galgadud.
Who PAH is looking for:
PAH in Somalia is looking for Project Coordinator who will become part of the Team with the following responsibilities:
Project implementation
Staff management
Representation and communication
If you are interested in applying for this position, kindly click the link below: