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Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator-Emerge-Hudur - World Vision International

Date Posted: Nov 14, 2024
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Job Detail

  • Location:
  • Company:
  • Type:
    Full Time
  • Category:
    Monitoring And Evaluation
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
    3 Year
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
  • Apply Before:
    Nov 27, 2024

Job Description

With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places.

Come join our 34,000+ staff working in nearly 100 countries and share the joy of transforming vulnerable children’s life stories!


Employee Contract Type:

Local - Fixed Term Employee (Fixed Term)


Job Description:

Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator


The Role Summary:

The M&E Coordinator will provide M&E technical support to the BHA-funded EMERGE program implementing Partners.  Working under the supervision of the M&E Manager, the position-holder will closely work with the EMERGE Consortium M&E Team and Project Managers to set, monitor, and evaluate project performance targets in line with project objectives and to ensure that they are achieved. The candidate will be responsible for guiding the overall implementation of monitoring, evaluation, and accountability-related activities within the projects and providing timely and relevant information to the project staff. The M&E Coordinator will also be responsible for strengthening the project M&E capacity, regularly monitoring and evaluating the results to improve project performance; and ensuring monitoring, evaluation, and reporting are practiced as a means to growing and maintaining a culture of providing credible, reliable, timely and cost-effective information for management decisions, accountability and learning in alignment with the project cycles.


In partnership with the Cash Transfer Compliance Monitoring, the position-holder will also support the roll-out of the Vulnerability Based Targeting methodology, including integrating political, social, and economic analysis into government, community, and group engagement strategies, the establishment of accountability-to-affected populations mechanisms, recruitment, training and supervision of enumerators to conduct vulnerability and rapid assessments, response to feedback and support post-distribution monitoring.


He/she will work closely with government coordination structures in South West State as well as coordination with the Ministry of Planning, Investment, and Economic Development (MoPIED), and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) to align methods and technologies and involve them in the participatory monitoring and assessment activities.  The position-holder will establish links with the World Vision Somalia MEAL Unit, Cash Consortium, and SomReP to enable interoperability. 


Key Responsibilities:


  • Design, Assessment, & Planning
  •  Support the project implementing partner staff to set up and maintain appropriate and robust M&E systems for all the consortium partners.
  • Plan, design, and carry out assessments and research exercises as appropriate.
  • Support the designing, contextualization, and/or revision of the graduation criteria based on the needs identified at the community level.
  • Design, revise, and align real-time & post-distribution monitoring tools and systems and sensitize to the implementing partners.
  • Provide technical support to implementing partner organizations, Project Managers, and Accountability Officers in community-level planning;
  • Support project start-up workshop to ensure implementing partners and project staff have a good understanding of the project monitoring, evaluation, and reporting requirements.


  • Implementation of Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Activities
  • Engage and coordinate among the key stakeholders including the consortium partners, and the government's key ministries in the familiarization of the M&E framework.
  • Coordinate as well as participate in assessments, analysis, and dissemination of reports as per the agreed project guidelines. In addition, ensure timely and quality project reports are submitted by the project teams in an agreed format and are in line with donor reporting requirements.
  • Support monitoring and evaluation processes using WV Somalia-developed tools and provide guidance to staff and partners in their use.
  • Ensure projects carry out routine activity monitoring for compliance as well as outcome monitoring of the project results
  • Routinely perform quality control checks of monitoring and evaluation work, overseeing that planned monitoring and evaluation activities are taking place across projects.
  • Periodically track the graduation criteria and community outcomes for actions including the recommendation to further engage with the households lagging.
  • Track planned beneficiary-based assessments and ensure that assessment reports are obtained and timely shared to facilitate learning internally and across the partners.


  • Quality Assurance & Knowledge Management
  • Ensure data quality through the implementation of an effective data verification mechanism and undertaking routine data quality assessments at all levels;
  • Report any attempts to divert aid to management, Ethics Point and via Flash Reporting Protocol; 
  • Work closely with technical specialists to develop Standard Operating Procedures for monitoring, reporting, documentation, and knowledge management, including the establishment of standard tools and systems for documentation and information sharing of project progress, best practices, lessons learned, and success stories.
  • Track project deliverables using appropriate project management tools;
  • Work closely with EMERGE and the World Vision MEAL Team and track beneficiary profiles, asset mapping, vulnerability mapping, graduation criteria tracking, integration with the S4T Groups MIS (DreamSave/SAVIX), and LMMS-based impact assessments.


  • Humanitarian & Program Accountability
  • Ensure Do No Harm (DNH) principles are mainstreamed into the implementation of the M&E activities.
  • Ensure that an appropriate humanitarian accountability mechanism is established and implemented for interventions in the district.
  • Ensure M&E and program accountability strengthening for staff and community structures are undertaken.
  • Ensure appropriate tools for Humanitarian Accountability (Complaints and Response Mechanisms - CRM) and mechanisms of reporting are adopted and rolled out and functional among the implementing partners.
  • Spearhead the implementation of community feedback mechanisms, ensuring community opinions are documented and used to adjust existing programming and foster new designs;
  • Child protection incident reporting is mainstreamed into the humanitarian & program accountability reporting system and incident reports are incorporated in monthly M&E updates.




  • External Engagement, M&E Capacity Strengthening
  • Conduct M&E capacity & competency assessment for the district M&E staff and design capacity-building strategies to address the gaps identified.
  • Coordinate structured mentoring support to build the M&E capacity of staff and partners on the M&E plan, the graduation criteria tracking, and reporting.
  • Coordinate and work closely with district-level consortium partners to develop sector-specific, appropriate M&E tools, including DIPs.
  • Ensure tailor-made training for district project staff, other sectors, beneficiaries, communities, and local authorities on CRM system, documentation of best practices, lessons learned, and how to capture success stories and report writing.
  • Spearhead engagement with government ministries in support of coordination and, where possible, collaboration on M&E tools and methods concerning the M&E framework
  • Reporting and documentation/Knowledge Management; ensure that project key documents and learning outcomes are documented in an appropriate manner.

Experiences and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Statistics, Community Development, Development Studies, M&E, or any related field with three to four years of work experience
  • Good business-oriented verbal, market linkages/assessments, safeguarding training, and visual and written communication skills.
  • Any training in M&E, statistical; analysis, Kobo/ODK, Accountability, and graduation criteria development and tracking
  • Demonstrated ability to build collaborative relationships and network with a wide range of stakeholders to facilitate mutually satisfactory outcomes.
  • Strong analytical, managerial, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills.
  • Positive collaboration and facilitation skills, along with leadership of large and diverse teams.
  • Proven experience in proposal writing and project reporting.
  • Demonstrates well-developed interpersonal skills, excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, as well as negotiation skills.


Working Environment

  • Office-based in Hudur, Bakool region of Somalia with domestic travel required from time to time.

How To Apply

World Vision adheres to strict child and adult safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks which will include criminal background checks. They will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.  Academic certificates will be verified with the issuing institution. Female Candidates are encouraged to apply

NB: When applying only attach the merged Application Letter and CV


Applicant Types Accepted:

Local Applicants Only


Skills Required

Company Overview


World Vision has been operational in Somalia since 1993,  responding to the over three decades-long protracted humanitarian crisis, working with communities to overcome conflict and climate-induced challenges, strengthen resilience, improve people’s... Read More

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