Gargaar Relief and Development Organization - GREDO is national non-profit that has been working in humanitarian and development for the past 29 years plus focusing in emergency response, food security and livelihood, education, health, nutrition and WASH, protection, peace building and reconciliation.
GREDO invites qualified bidders who wish to be considered for the proposed Goods, and who meet the below listed requirements;
GREDO is committed to running a fair and transparent tender process and ensuring that all bidders are treated and assessed equally during this tender process.
Bidder responses will be evaluated against nine categories of criteria: Essential Criteria, Capability Criteria, and Commercial Criteria. These criteria have been especially created to help GREDO determine which bidder is able to offer the best quality and most commercially competitive solution to meet our needs and deliver the most effective programming to our beneficiaries.
These are criteria will be used to evaluate the bidder’s ability, skill and experience in relation to the requirements of GREDO. All bids will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Capability Criteria, which will have been created by a committee of representatives from GREDO. Overall score of 60% will be available for these criteria.
The maximum score required for capability criteria is 60% - broken down as below.
Provide past signed and stamp contracts as evidence
These criteria will be used to evaluate the commercial competitiveness of a bid. All bids which the Capability criteria will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Commercial Criteria, which have been created by a committee of representatives
from GREDO.The lowest evaluated financial proposal will be awarded the maximum commercial criteria score of 40%.The commercial criteria score for all other bidders which the Capability criteria will be calculated using the formula below:
Commercial Score =
All Capability and Commercial Criteria will be weighted accordingly to reflect their importance. The Commercial Criteria will account for at least 40%. The Capability Criteria will account for up to 60% of the score.