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Invitation To Bid for Consultancy Service for conducting Joint Review of the Education Sector in Somaliland - Save Children Somalia

Date Posted: Jan 31, 2024
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Job Detail

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  • Experience:
    10 Year
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
  • Apply Before:
    Feb 13, 2024

Job Description


Save the Children International (SCI) Somaliland program hereby invites interested consultants to bid for the consultancy assignment detailed below.

Title of Consultancy

Consultancy Service for conducting Joint Review of the Education Sector in Somaliland

SCI Contracting Office

Save the Children Hargeisa Office, Somaliland

Period of Consultancy

35 Days

Consultant type required

Individual or Firm

Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs

Save the Children is responsible for any logistics and accommodations for the consultant during this assignment.   

Taxation Provisions

Consultant shall be responsible for all taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above

Travel requirements

Save the Children is responsible for logistics arrangements for the travels of the consultants for the assignment.   

Security requirements

The consultant will comply with standard Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training before travel to Somaliland (if applicable)


The Somaliland MOES will conduct Annual Joint Review of the Education Sector (JRES) to review the yearly performance of the new five years ESSP (2022-26). The review will be used as a sector wide performance monitoring system to measure and continuously follow up the progress made against yearly planned activities and result indicators to improve coordination and collaboration among education stakeholders.

The review will involve different departments of the MOES at all levels, development partners, civil society and the private sector. The JRES initiative started in 2014 and so far, five review meetings were conducted between 2014 to 2022 and the ministry is currently planning to conduct the sixth 2023 JRES. Therefore, MOES seeks a consultant who will technically lead the process of the JRES in coordination with the Technical Working Groups from the MOES and the sector partners.

The review process is expected to have both backward looking of what has been achieved during the 2021/22 academic year and the best way forward for the next academic year 2023/24.


Somaliland has been recovering from historic conflict and fragility since 1991 and has established its own government system and functional institutions. It has managed to maintain peace and security in the last three decades and significant improvement has been made in many social and economic sectors including education services. However, the education sector still requires further support to improve access to good quality, equitable and efficient education services for all children. The third and current ESSP 2022 – 2026 for the MOES has started in 2022. The plan sets out the policy priority objectives of the education system that will be achieved during the next five years. These policies and objectives have been developed based on the national and international commitments of the Government of Somaliland through the Ministry of Education and Science to provide quality, affordable and inclusive education to its citizens throughout the country.  The new sector plan is guided by the National Education Policy of 2015-2030, Somaliland Vision 2030 and the development of NDP III.

The ESSP 2022-26 is an ambitious document that consists of six sub-sectors of education which includes Early Childhood Education; Primary Education; Non-Formal Basic Education (NFE); Secondary Education; Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and Higher Education. The plan also covers MOES system capacity in areas such as sector governance, management and accountability, human resources; policy and planning; financial management, education decentralization; curriculum; teacher education, quality assurance systems, examinations, a national commission for higher education and education in emergencies.

The key targets of the ESSP 2022-26 are:

  • Increase the pre-primary GER from 5% to 15% (50% girls) by 2026.
  • Increase pre-primary NER from 3% to 10% by 2026 (50% girls) by 2026.
  • Increase primary GER from 32% to 50% by 2026.
  • Increase primary schools NER from 24% to 44% by 2026.
  • Increase secondary education GER from 18% to 35% by 2026.
  • Increase secondary education NER from 8% to 18% by 2026.

There also target dimensions for all the subsectors of education in areas of equity and inclusion, quality, and governance. The same applies to the MOES System capacity. The review will consider 2022/23 progress across the ESSP indicators but will specifically focus on headline targets and indicators of each subsector including system capacity.

Purpose of the consultancy work

The consultant will conduct, coordinate, and facilitate the sector review process in collaboration with the MoES and development agencies through gathering relevant qualitative and quantitative data on the achievement of 2022/2023 set priorities and plan within the ESSP result framework.

Objectives of the consultancy work

  • To collect sufficient information and data evidence and critically review the 2023 annual action plan and achievements against the ESSP result indicators.
  • To participate and coordinate with MoES at different levels and development agencies in gathering the relevant information and data.
  • To review the level of coordination of various actors in the education sector.
  • To examine key challenges within the education sector to help determine priority actions to support the achievement of the objectives of the Education Sector Strategic Plan 202-26.
  • To compile review report and present it in the JRES meeting.
  • To compile Aide Memoire of the JRES review process and key action points agreed

Methodology and scope of the work

Desk Review: The consultant will undertake a technical and financial review of 2023 annual plans against the 2022–2026 ESSP through conducting extensive review of the relevant policy and strategy documents, available secondary data such as annual reports, monitoring and supervision reports, review and evaluation reports, ESA report, EMIS data and Learning assessment reports that are available with the MoES and development partners.

Consultative Meetings: The consultant is expected to conduct wider consultation with relevant education stakeholders in Somaliland. This includes the senior management and leadership and staff of MOES at all levels (Central, Regional, District, School) and education development partners to get wider insight and perspectives of the education sector including achievements and challenges.

Field Visits: The consultant will carry out sample field visits to education institutions in rural and urban settings, including to regional and district education offices in a randomly selected regions in order to get a clearer picture of the situation on the ground through discussion with all education stakeholders. Based on these field visits, the consultant will prepare a field-visit report and key findings that will be part of the JRES Meeting Presentations and final Aid Memoire.

Synthesis Report: The consultant will compile and produce a synthesis report from the key findings of the desk review, consultation meetings and field visits against the achievement of the 2023 plan within the ESSP and prepare power point presentation for the meeting. The synthesis report will include data analysis, graphs and charts, as well as a narrative. The synthesis report will be circulated a few days prior to the JRES and provide the basis for discussions during the JRES Meeting.

Review of Education Action Plan for 2024:  if deemed necessarythe consultant will assist the stakeholders, to review the Education Action Plan for 2024 ensuring that the activities proposed in the plan incorporate priorities and key strategies including the costing as well as the monitoring and evaluation framework for the Action Plan.

Aide Memoire of the JRES review process and key action points agreed.

The consultant will provide a final report of the Joint Review of the Education Sector, on issues discussed and raised, key findings and recommendations including the field visit and synthesis report.

Key Deliverables

  • Compile a synthesis report from the key findings of the desk review, consultation meetings and field visits against the achievement of the 2023 plan and present it in the JRES meeting.
  • Final report of the Joint Review of the Education Sector, on issues discussed and raised, key findings and recommendations including the field visit and synthesis report.
  • compiled Aide Memoire of the JRES review process and key action points agreed.
  • if deemed necessary, a revised education action plan for 2024.

Management arrangements

The lead consultant will be line managed by SCI and the MOES Technical workforce will be managed by DG, MOES.  Both MOEs and SCI will provide access to office as required.

Work plan and Time Schedule

The JRES conference will take place in the last week of February 2024 (MOES to confirm exact dates) in Hargeisa. The consultancy tentative timetable is given below which could be reviewed based during the inception
period consultation:


Experiences and Qualifications

      Advanced degree (master’s or PhD) in education or related social sciences.

  • At least ten years of relevant experience, mostly in supporting the education sector and experience in education sector planning, review, and evaluation is a highly preferred asset.
  • Have hands-on experience with designing, implementing, and monitoring Sector-Wide Approaches in Education.
  • Strong background in data analysis, planning, and policy development at the national level; teacher development and management; girl’s education; disability and inclusion; learning assessments.
  • Excellent command of the English language with demonstrated analytical and report writing skills, presentation, and facilitation skills.
  • Ability to work in difficult environments; previous experience of working in fragile contexts or transition countries is an asset (resilience and adaptability to challenging country contexts).
  • Specific knowledge of the education sector in Somalia/Somaliland.
  • Availability and commitment to complete the assignment within strict deadlines.
  • Computer literacy and familiarity with Microsoft Office.

How To Apply

Interested consultants should submit their applications via email to

The applications should be submitted in PDF format as one document comprising Technical and Financial sections as detailed below.

  • A technical proposal with a detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and key selection criteria.
  • Initial work plan based on the methodology outlined, and indication of availability.
  • A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected but including accommodation, transportation, stationary, research assistances and all other cost related to this assignment.
  • Consultant profile and CVs of key experts.
  • Valid legal registration (if firm)
  • At least 2 sample of previously conducted similar tasks.
  • Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.

Applicants should also indicate the date they are available to start working on the consultancy.

All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.

Only shortlisted Candidates will be contacted.

Closing date for Applications

Interested consultants shall submit their applications through the email address provided above on 13th February 2024. Shortlisted candidates will be requested for an interview.

Skills Required

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