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Invitation To Bid for Consultancy for Development of Syllabus for Technical Secondary Schools in Puntland - Save Children Somalia

Date Posted: Jun 04, 2024
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Puntland State Of Somalia
  • Company:
  • Type:
  • Category:
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
    7 Year
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
  • Apply Before:
    Jun 18, 2024

Job Description


Save the Children International (SCI) Somalia program hereby invites interested consultants to bid for the consultancy assignment detailed below

Title of Consultancy: Development of Syllabus for Technical Secondary Schools in Puntland.

SCI Contracting Office: Save the Children, Somalia

Period of Consultancy: 75 DAYS; STARTING FROM 25th June 2024 –7th  Septemeber 2024



Taxation Provisions: The consultant is responsible for all taxes arising from the consultancy in accordance with the local Tax regulations in effect at the SCI contracting office listed above.

Travel requirements: The consultant should be able to report to the duty station to carry out the development of the syllabus for the technical secondary schools in Puntland

Security requirements: 

The consultant will follow standard Save the Children Security procedures, including completing SCI online security training.



Save the Children International (SCI) is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to fight for children’s rights and deliver immediate and lasting improvement to children’s lives worldwide. SCI has been operational in Greater Somalia for over 40 years. Current programs straddle relief and development in various sectors including, Health, Nutrition, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance, Vocational and Skills Training, Education, and Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL) working in Somaliland, Puntland, and Central South Somalia to help communities cope with drought, conflict, displacement, and flooding.

Somalia has one of the largest proportional youth populations in the world.  The current estimation shows that 73 percent of the Somali population is aged under 30. Within this group, internally displaced youth and young returning refugees and girls are among the most marginalized, and at-risk groups. Young people from the poorest and most deprived families, especially girls and IDPs in Somalia, find it challenging to transition to working as they lack the required life skills. Without work, girls are more at risk of poverty, early pregnancy, early marriage, inability to access health care, and unable to invest in their own families, among other factors preventing the realization of their rights. 

Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin Project; Save the Children Somalia Country Office believes in investing in skills development and job creation for the most deprived and marginalized young men and women in Somalia. For this action, Save the Children in Puntland is implementing a 3-year long education and youth empowerment project called Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin phase IV – CARE Somalia is the lead agency and is implemented by a consortium of partners including Save the Children.  the project collaborates with the Puntland Ministry of Education and is funded by the European Union. The overall objective of this project is to improve the educational attainment and the employability of relevant target groups, contributing to poverty reduction within an increasingly peaceful, secure, and democratic Somalia. The project has 3 interconnected results as described below.

  • Result 1 Increased access to equitable and quality education for learners.
  • Result 2: Increased participation of youth and adults, including vulnerable groups, in technical and vocational education and training.
  • Result 3: Capacity of education institutions, administrations, and systems strengthened.

The project works with 3 Technical Secondary Schools, employers, and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE)  to support: 1) Provision of gender-sensitive and market-demanded vocational training through existing secondary schools in Puntland 2) Entrepreneurial capacity development of business-minded young people, 3) Support establishment of small businesses for young business-minded TVET graduates through the provision of kits, and facilitate linkages with employers to engage in meaningful self-employment. 


With a recent scoping assessment with the Ministry of Education of Puntland to enhance the uptake of technical skills for youth in Puntland studying secondary schools, 3 occupational courses were picked as potential marketable skills in Puntland. These are Electricity (including solar energy), Information Technology (ICT), and Construction. To create a substantive and market-oriented training program that delivers quality training for youth in these occupations, developing a new syllabus of the 3 subjects through an occupational-based approach (directly linking youth to their future occupations after graduation) becomes paramount.  The exercise should be commissioned by an experienced consultant with the support of three local consults nominated by the Ministry of Education, SCI will cover the expenses for three local consultants, who will provide their expertise on the three subjects to be developed. and is expected to reflect on the needs and priorities of target learners and the needs and priorities and market dynamics. This is the prerequisite for 4 years Technical Secondary Schools program on the newly selected skills (construction, electricity, and information technology. (ICT)

This exercise will be rolled out in the target project locations- Garowe, Galkacyo Gardo and Bossaso - Puntland. 


The purpose of this consultancy is to review the existing desk studies or Syllabus available in Somalia and develop a fit-for-purpose CBET curriculum of the 3 pre-selected occupational subjects for the Ministry of Education of Puntland.  The curriculum should be exclusively based on the priorities of target clients, market systems and the future of work in Somalia and Puntland in particular. The developed Syllabus should contain at least two documents; a training manual (main text) and a facilitator's guide.

3.1 Specific objectives

  1. i)Review the occupational Syllabus that exists within Somalia focusing on construction, and electricity including renewable energy and information technology. The consultant is expected to perform a thorough analysis of the relevance of content, pedagogical landscape, relevance to market demands in Puntland, and materials that will be adapted to develop a custom-made, level one, or diploma-level CBET TVET curriculum.
  2. ii)Combine other desk study analyses including project documents and other TVET-related assessments including Tracer studies to provide substantive inputs and insights to the development of the new curricula.

iii)   Conduct consultative meetings/ interviews of both KIIs and FGDs with existing TVET providers, project teams, TVET directorate, companies providing apprenticeships, and other relevant bodies/institutions to harvest information to obtain inputs on lessons learned, gaps, and potential content/inputs for the curriculum.

  1. iv) Collaborate with MOE during the curriculum development process, ensuring that the new Technical Secondary Syllabus is aligned with the national training priorities and national Qualification frameworks for the TVET sector in Puntland.
  2. v)Present the revised curriculum to the relevant authorities including the TVET directorate and do the required changes and adjustments to ensure it fits the overall strategic framework of TVET in each of the developed occupational curricula. Share the final reviewed curriculum with Save the Children for final review and approval.
  3. vi)The final products must contain training materials, a complete Syllabus with training tools including a trainer’s guide, a participant’s manual, and other necessary materials/tools for to Save the Children team.

vii) Conduct a comprehensive training needs assessment from target clients including existing technical providers (EBTVET and IBTVET) or target technical secondary schools to streamline the content and pedagogical requirements of the revised curriculum and subsequently deliver induction/orientation training to target participants which are participatory, and leaner centred. 

  1. Methodology:

The overall curriculum development will combine qualitative study and desk review.  The steps mentioned below will be an integral part of the process.

viii)        An inception report containing the methodology, work plan and tools to be used during the Syllabus development process.

  1. ix)Review existing desk material including the current Solar Power Curriculum, or electricity manual, construction, and information technology existing within Somalia TVET landscape. The consultant will also review project documents, VET frameworks, and other necessary studies/research reports to get a holistic desk overview of gaps, lessons learned, good practices, content adjustment needs, and other necessary pathways to substantively develop a custom-made and user-centered curriculum for the selected occupations.
  2. x)FGDs and KII from relevant Technical Secondary School providers, project teams, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and other necessary stakeholders to further provide inputs and adjustments to the new curricula.
  3. xi)Validate the new Syllabus from the TVET directorate, SCI team, employers including the private sector (as being the major employer in Puntland), and other relevant stakeholders to finalize the review process and present the adjusted curriculum to SCI for final approval.

xii) Upon roll out of the training for the TOTs from target secondary schools and MoEHE, the training will be participatory and combine both theoretical and practical approaches to create optimum outcomes for the target participants.

  1. Deliverables.
  • CBET Syllabus of 3 pre-selected occupational subjects- Electricity (including solar energy), Information Technology (ICT), and Construction which is aimed to fit to the secondary level TVET in Puntland. The syllabi should contain the training manual (main text) and a facilitator's guide.
  • A comprehensive needs assessment of the target trainers about their capacities to deliver the new curricula and subsequently offer a 3-day long induction/orientation training based on the gaps identified.
  1. 6. Duration of the assignment:

The duration of this assignment overall is 75 days, including preparation and report writing. Specific schedules will be agreed upon with the selected consultant.

  •  Advanced University degree in education, learning psychology or Pedagogy.
  • At least 7 years’ experience in curriculum development, education sector research and analysis and/ or TVET framework development
  • Experience in client-centered training development and facilitation.
  • Demonstrated experience and proven record in undertaking similar assignments. 


Save the Children's work is based on deeply held values and principles, and our commitment to children's rights and humanitarian principles must be supported and demonstrated by all staff and companies who work to save children. Save the Children's Code of Conduct sets out the standards to which all staff members must adhere.


Interested consultants who meet the consultancy requirements should submit the following.

Application, Curriculum Vitae, conceptual inception outline showing how one intends to achieve the stated objectives. Proposed timeline and budget.

To submit applications for this consultancy, please send the required documents to:

 Applications will close by 18th June 2024.

We work with children, communities and governments all over the world and we believe in the right person for the job regardless of where you come from and how you identify yourself. We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to ensuring that only those who are suitable to work with children are considered for these posts. All successful applicants will, therefore, be required to complete a Police Check and must sign onto our Child Protection Policy and organizational Code.

Experiences and Qualifications

Qualification and Experience

The measurable qualifications and experience required:

Save the Children invites qualified consultants/firms who meet the following requirements to submit their detailed narrative and financial proposal on how to undertake the assignment.

  • Advanced University degree in education, learning psychology or Pedagogy.
  • At least 7 years experience in curriculum development, education sector research and analysis and/ or TVET framework development
  • Experience in client-centered training development and facilitation.
  • Demonstrated experience and proven record in undertaking similar assignments

Evaluation Criteria

  • Consultancy firms are required to submit valid Registration certificates from the relevant authorities-
  • Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted including methodologies, curriculum development process, reports, and schedules (20 marks)
  • Proven field technical experience of similar consultancy works performed or conducted (20 marks)
  • Submit certificates of Consultant with advanced University degree •     Advanced University degree in education, learning psychology or Pedagogy (10 marks).
  • Submit a detailed financial proposal including all professional fees, report costs, and subsistence costs. Please note all costs must be broken down into details (no lump sums, no contingencies, etc) (25 marks), the lowest bidder will receive the highest marks   
  • Oral interview (25 marks)

How To Apply

Application Procedure

Interested consultants should submit their applications via email to [ ] deadline for submission is 18th June 2024.

The email subject should read: Development of Syllabus for Technical Secondary Schools in Puntland

Closing date for Applications

Interested consultants should send their applications to the above-mentioned email address by 18th June 2024. Candidates who have been shortlisted will be contacted for an interview.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

See the complete ToR with detailed appendices attached as Annex 1.

  • Introduction of the project,
  • Scope of works
  • Objectives of the consultancy,
  • Proposed methodology and approach,
  • Duration of the assignment
  • Qualifications and experience of the consultancy
  • Key deliverables/outputs

Skills Required

Company Overview


WE BELIEVE EVERY CHILD DESERVES A FUTURE. Around the world, too many children start life at a disadvantage simply because of who they are and where they come from. Millions of children are dying from preventable causes, face poverty, violence, di... Read More

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