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INVITATION TO BID FOR CONSULTANCY for Consultancy services to Develop Youth Advocacy Modules for Older Adolescents - Save Children Somalia

Date Posted: Jul 03, 2024
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Job Detail

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  • Apply Before:
    Jul 15, 2024

Job Description

Title of Consultancy

Consultancy services to Develop Youth Advocacy Modules for Older Adolescents (OAs)


SCI Contracting Office

Save the Children Somalia Country Office


Period of Consultancy

Youth Advocacy: 30 days


Consultant type required

Consultant firm


Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs

Save the Children will pay the fees for the consultancy in a lump sum and will not reimburse any incurred costs during the assignment. The consultant will cover their Logistical arrangements and costs in the country to coordinate and implement the consultancy.


Taxation Provisions

The consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.


Travel requirements

The consultant will cover their travel costs (tickets) and arrange local travel to field sites if needed


Security requirements

The consultant will comply with standards of Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia.

Selection Criteria




Save the Children (SC) in partnership with CARE and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) will implement Changes 2.0 project, a four-year program supported by the Global Affairs Canada and Royal Norwegian Embassy, in 16 districts and 78 communities across Somalia. Changes 2.0 is a strategic intervention designed to challenge harmful social norms1 through community interventions targeting adolescent boys and girls and their caregivers. The project has been modified to accommodate lessons learnt and implementation gaps identified from its predecessor - Changes 1.0. Nevertheless, the aim of the project to empower women and girls remains economically and socially the same. In Changes 2.0, there is the inclusion of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights.  The Change 2.0 project aims at:

  • Challenging harmful social norms, including FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and CEFM,
  • Increasing women's social and economic empowerment and
  • Improving the sexual and reproductive health status of adolescent boys and girls between 10 to 19 years in Somalia.

The advocacy modules are a vital component of the program, aimed at building a movement of empowered champions among girls and boys. Its goal is to ensure they attend school, maintain good health, and overcome obstacles such as poverty and violence. These modules are specifically crafted to empower Somali girls, boys, and their allies to spearhead social change through advocacy, storytelling, and influencing institutional and societal reforms.

These modules are designed for older adolescents (VYAs) aged 15-19 years, aiming to foster positive social and behavioral changes. It seeks to create an environment that enables youth participation, thereby influencing decision-makers and policy-makers to open up opportunities for young people. There is a particular emphasis on marginalized girls and young women, including survivors of child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM), and those facing significant gender inequalities and rights denial.

The Modules will focus on building the advocacy skills and knowledge of VYAs, enhancing their capacity for youth-led advocacy. It provides them with the necessary approaches, tools, and strategies to influence decision-making and policy processes, and to transform societal norms and practices related to gender inequalities in Somalia.

Purpose of the Consultancy:

Save the Children is seeking an experienced advocacy expert to develop a Youth Advocacy Modules for Older Adolescents (OAs, 15-19 years old). These modules aim to empower young people by enhancing their knowledge, skills, and awareness of contextual advocacy approaches. The goal is to enable these adolescents to effectively influence and change perceptions, norms, and decisions at both grassroots and national levels.


The main objectives of the consultancy include:

  • Develop an understanding of contextual barriers affecting policies, practices, and decisions related to children’s rights in Somalia.
  • Review Save the Children's Child Participation advocacy approaches. Design and develop an age-appropriate advocacy module that creates strong youth advocates, proving to be powerful actors in policy and lobbying engagements.
  • Empower adolescents and youth for constructive engagement and leadership, and empower young girls for greater social activism.
  • Pilot the drafted modules and deliver two advocacy modules trainings for facilitators/project staff and older adolescents (OAs) to transfer knowledge and understanding of the modules.
  • Develop and deliver a training plan for the new modules to Changes project facilitators over a 1-month period.



  • Consult with Save the Children and others, collect relevant modules and recent informative research findings.
  • Conduct a technical review of the existing curricula developed for younger adolescents in Somalia and other country offices and the recent informative researcher's findings.
  • Draft the modules following Save the Children's current Changes modules.
  • Arrange debriefing sessions with key stakeholders on the modules design to provide their feedback and validation, including identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Pilot testing of the developed materials with selected adolescents and youths (boys and girls) to gauge their interest in the modules and measure their skills acquisition. Pilot testing may also be conducted as part of the facilitation training workshop.

Share final modules materials to Save the Children in both hard and soft copies.

Language: All training (including all accompanying materials) is to be presented in Somali and English.


Main Deliverables:

  1. Work plan for developing the modules, including strategy and proposed methodologies, as well as quality assurance plan;
  2. modules adaptation workshop/ interviews with key stakeholders, including OA girls and boys;
  3. Advocacy modules containing a training manual (advocacy modules) and facilitator's guide.
  4. Delivery of 3 days of training on the developed modules for Changes project's facilitators
  5. A narrative report detailing the experiences and challenges encountered in carrying out the assignment and recommendations for the way forward.


Supervisor/overall Responsibility:

The consultant will be supervised by the Policy and Advocacy Adviser.


Duration of the Consultancy:

After signing the contractual agreement, the consultant will be engaged for 30 working days. These modules should be completed within 20 working days, after the inception meeting.


Technique skills required.

  • University degree in law, political sciences, social sciences, or related field
  • At least 7 years of relevant experience in policy analysis and design, designing and implementing advocacy activities in either project country.
  • Extensive knowledge of governance systems and policy processes in Somalia
  • Experience in drafting reports on complex processes in understandable manner
  • Extensive experience (at least 7 years) in using adolescent-friendly, participatory teaching


  • Significant experience on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health issues

Budget and Payment Terms:

The budget for the consultancy will be allocated based on a detailed cost breakdown provided by the consultant. Payments will be disbursed in installments upon satisfactory completion of agreed-upon milestones and deliverables.

Experiences and Qualifications

Qualification and Experience


The consultant (s) should possess the following qualifications and expertise the consultancy firm/individual.

  • Minimum post-graduate degree in law, political sciences, social sciences, or related field
  • Extensive experience (at least 7 years) experience in modules development and facilitator training.
  • Excellent ability to write and articulate issues in a concise language.
  • Demonstrated a high level of professionalism and an ability to work independently and in high-pressure situations under tight deadlines.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, including experience of facilitation of trainings/workshops and presentation.
  • Experience in researching or working in the Horn of Africa.
  • Fluent in English and Somali;

10 Selection Criteria

  • Submit a Technical Proposal that clearly explains the proposed methodology/ approach, and timeframe to conduct the evaluation. Proposals must clearly demonstrate a nuanced comprehension of the objectives as detailed in the Terms of Reference. As per the TOR.
  • Submit financial proposal that clearly outlines the cost break down.
  • Prior relevant experience in conducting similar scope of work is an advantage.
  • Consultant Expertise Prospective consultants are expected to demonstrate comprehensive qualifications and skills. Submit CVs.
  • Must submit valid license.


How To Apply


Application Procedure

Qualified Consultancy Firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals and Lead consultant and associated personnel CVs and other relevant documentation to

  • Emails should not exceed 15mb – if the file sizes are large, please split the submission into two emails. 
  • Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this will invalidate your bid.
  • All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.
  • The subject of the email should be Application for Consultancy services to Develop Youth Advocacy Modules for Older Adolescents (OAs).
  • Submissions must be made to this email, attaching all relevant documentation.
  • Interested consultant (s) who meet the consultancy requirements are requested to submit their bid and each application package should include the above required minimum requirements.

Only shortlisted bidders will be contacted.


All data that will be collected should be considered as SCI properties and may not be used for other purposes.

13 Closing date for Applications

Interested consultants shall submit their applications through the above procedures on or before.

 15th  July 2024. 11:59 PM, EAT.

Skills Required

Company Overview


WE BELIEVE EVERY CHILD DESERVES A FUTURE. Around the world, too many children start life at a disadvantage simply because of who they are and where they come from. Millions of children are dying from preventable causes, face poverty, violence, di... Read More

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