DESCRIPTION: Expression of Interest- Market assessment to establish goods and services in demand within the community
World Vision is a relief, development, and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families, and communities. We work with community members, supporting them to overcome poverty and injustice. Our aim is to lift poor and marginalised households out of the vicious cycle of dependence by addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability to environmental and socio-economic shocks.
Assignment Overview:
Under SomRep consortium, World vision is implementing a durable solutions project fund EU funded project named through promoting economic empowerment among vulnerable individuals in Somaliland, Burao, including refugees, host community and poor and marginalized women and youth. We achieve this through capacity building and support of market-linked skills development, development of new income-generating activities (IGAs) (refugees) and MSMEs, and access to services to support growth of existing, high-potential IGAs and MSMEs. These efforts are intended to support self-sufficiency among target beneficiaries by expanding their access to economic and social resources.
Many factors are important to the success of these economic activities, including access to markets, quality of products (quality inputs, standard production and processing skills), market demand, competitiveness and compatibility, easy availability of raw material/inputs and market trends/polarity, etc. In addition, activities and considerations related to vulnerable groups e.g. obstacles, risks, and opportunities that are unique to men or women, youth or adults, people with disabilities, and/or other marginalizing characteristics. Thus, a robust market assessment and mapping must be conducted.
The project is also providing financial and non-financial services; assisting refugees and marginalized people develop life and technical skills, access social resources, and engage in IGAs to reduce their social and economic vulnerability.
The project will support displacement affected community members in Burao to develop/expand MSMEs to increase and diversify their livelihoods opportunities. As a first step in this process, WV will conduct a market assessment to provide market information to guide the selection of viable business opportunities. Agro-businesses will particularly be explored as a way to create linkages between urban displaced communities and the rural communities, strengthening business opportunities for both contexts. The assessment will focus on providing analysis of the different types of businesses currently available and those that could be created in the near future, identifying the maturity duration of each type of business. This will include identifying the barriers to accessing new opportunities and suggest ways of overcoming them, focusing on key success factors for different types of businesses and start-up requirements, including business expansion for existing businesses.
This study will provide detailed focus on analysis of the current markets, livelihood capacities, and competencies in Burao, Somaliland.
The assessment methodology should include desk analysis and collection of primary data through focus group discussions, business surveys, key informant interviews, and market observations, as detailed in the present Terms of Reference (ToR). It will also involve review and analysis of relevant policies and dynamics that affect access to economic opportunities, including government policies, access to financial services, access to markets, and transport.
The study will support targeting/planning of project activities and strengthening participants’ understanding of local market dynamics, opportunities, and risks. Information from the assessment report (or results) will also be shared with potential funding sources and may be shared with other stakeholders such as local decision makers and public policy makers within and outside of Burao.
Research Objectives:
The market assessment has several key objectives, which apply to current and potential geographic areas. World vision is seeking an evaluation of market demand and opportunities for work and self-employment outside those traditionally offered by livelihoods programming including access to finance markets. Objectives include:
Research Methodology: The methodology and research tools to be employed during the assessment include, but are not limited to, the following:
The consultant will review recent (last 5 years) documents related to the following: (1) existing market assessments in the target areas; (2) market regulatory and price control policies, laws and mechanisms (including those that restrict refugee livelihoods), (3) relevant documents on market trends, where available, especially for Burao and surrounding villages (4) Formal Financial markets available in Burao and (5) other relevant documents, resources, and data sources.
The consultant will provide a general map of potential local and regional markets in terms of type, size and volume of market, supply chain, women- and youth-led businesses/trades, main access barriers, key trade organizations, and security arrangements, especially for women and youth.
The consultant will interview key informants in the areas where SOMREP operates in Burao and relevant communities/geographical areas; these will include mainly women and youth, beneficiaries of BREACH project, aspiring entrepreneurs, membership bodies (e.g. chamber of commerce, syndicates), suppliers, wholesalers, producers, farmers, vendors, consumers, financial institutions, and other relevant market and policy actors. The consultant also will conduct at least one focus group discussion in each project village involving individuals who are members of the targeted demographic for project beneficiaries: Burao and refugee women and youth.
More information is available in the official RFP document
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