The Anticipatory Action & Climate Resilience along Transhumance Corridors in Somalia’ (AART) project
The TOR For Establishing and piloting E- -Sahan in El-barde district in the Southwest State of Somalia
1.1. Background.
The ecology of Somalia has been greatly impacted by climate change, leading to arid conditions, erratic food and water supplies, and a rise in displacement due to climate-related problems. Four seasons of little rainfall since 2020 have caused Somalia to experience its worst drought in forty years. Crop failures, livestock mortality, and a serious food insecurity issue have resulted from this. In addition, cyclones, floods, and diseases linked to climate change exacerbate the problem. In November, El Niño-caused floods in the Southwest State affected half a million people and forced over 113,000 people to relocate.
The combination of conflict and climate-related shocks has heightened the risk of famine, causing a tenfold increase in the number of people at risk in just five years. An estimated 8.3 million people require humanitarian assistance, with an additional 1.3 million likely to face displacement this year. The groups most vulnerable to these challenges are pastoralists and agro-pastoralists, particularly female-headed households, representing most internally displaced individuals. These communities have limited capacity to adapt due to low educational attainment, high poverty levels, frequent shocks, degradation of natural resources, and weak governance that often overlooks the needs of pastoralists.
Recurring climate shocks, along with factors such as inter-clan conflict, prolonged insecurity, and inadequate governance, have severely impacted pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Southwest Somalia, resulting in a complex humanitarian crisis. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), over one million people—about 33% of the population in the targeted regions of Bakool, Bay, and Lower Shabelle—are facing acute food insecurity from October to December 2023.
Livestock, which is central to the local economy, is also under threat as pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods deteriorate. Challenges such as fragmented rangelands, overgrazing, invasive species, population pressures, and locust swarms have led to the depletion of rangelands, adversely affecting livestock productivity and resulting in the deaths of over 3.8 million animals. The expansion of sedentary farming has further reduced pastoralists’ access to land, intensifying competition for resources and escalating community conflicts. Moreover, veterinary services and emergency supplies like fodder and water during droughts are scarce, and the largely informal market operates within a weak policy framework and minimal regulation.
1.2. Introduction
Pastoralism plays a crucial role in the livelihoods and economic stability of many communities in Somalia, serving as the primary source of income for numerous families. However, the landscape in which pastoralists navigate is undergoing rapid transformations, rendering their traditional practices increasingly vulnerable.
Several factors contribute to this precarious situation. First, climate change has resulted in severe and prolonged droughts, as well as unexpected flooding, disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystems in which pastoralists rely. These extreme weather events not only diminish the availability of grazing land and water sources but also threaten the health and well-being of livestock.
Additionally, the prevalence of livestock diseases poses another significant challenge. Outbreaks can devastate herds, which are the backbone of pastoralist economies, leading to financial instability and food insecurity for families. Moreover, armed conflicts within the region exacerbate these vulnerabilities. Violence and instability can force pastoralists to abandon their lands, disrupt traditional migration routes, and limit access to essential resources.
Finally, the growing population in Somalia places further strain on the limited resources available to pastoralists, increasing competition for grazing areas and water supplies. Together, these factors present a complex web of challenges that pastoralists must navigate to sustain their livelihoods and adapt to an ever-changing environment.
The primary challenge is the ongoing drought in Somalia, the most severe in recent history. Over the past four years, there have been five unsuccessful rainy seasons. The drought has reached emergency levels across much of the country.
In the context of severe drought, pastoralists are facing increasing challenges in maintaining healthy herds and livelihoods. Millions of livestock have died, resulting in milk shortages and, as a consequence, malnutrition in drought-affected communities.
The worsening situation forces pastoralists to travel farther from their traditional rangelands to find sufficient pasture and water. This increased migration heightens inter-community tensions, leading to raiding and resource conflicts. In these conditions, the need for timely, accurate, and accessible information to guide pastoralists in their migration and rangeland management decisions is especially critical.
AART is seeking a qualified international consultant or firm to develop a comprehensive and innovative solution for creating digitalized grazing maps utilizing satellite data to accurately assess and monitor grazing areas while incorporating traditional knowledge from local pastoralists. The goal is to blend cutting-edge technology with culturally informed practices to ensure that the resulting maps provide actionable, real-time information tailored to the needs of pastoralist communities. By facilitating effective communication channels, this solution aims to enhance the management of grazing resources and support sustainable pastoral practices.
2.0. Description for Establishing and Piloting E-Sahan in El-barde
The consultant is required to organize a participatory discussion with pastoralists in the target location to understand the context and the existing traditional mechanisms employed during migrations as well as the main communication strategies used during shocks. This will inform the recommended innovative solutions that will help pastoralists take an informed decision on when and where to migrate to escape shocks and droughts.
With this information the consultant will recommend the most appropriate tool that can help pastoralists take informed decisions on migration. The consultant will look for other similar programs/approaches that worked well in a similar country.
The consultant is expected to be able to blend different technologies to improve decision making for the pastoralist. Efforts will focus on establishing a digital application that uses satellite imagery and mobile technology to provide pastoralists with near real-time visual data on rangeland conditions. The application will be designed to show great potential for mitigating some of the challenges pastoralists face by providing information critical to enhancing their ability to make more informed decisions. The application may be delivered in a variety of mediums such as smartphone, interactive voice calling, SMS , or others. It is expected that the consultant will provide an outline of potential transmission mediums based on user needs. The consultant is expected to therefor to place more emphasis on understanding the users – this should really be a human centered design process, which starts out with users, and then work to the early warning system.
Furthermore, activities include conducting a participatory group discussion to understand the context for pastoralists in El-Barde. In the discussion, we can capture information related to herd size and condition, migration patterns, conflict, and access to information sources leveraging to inform decisions. Mapp grazing units in El-barde to establish the traditional grazing territories of targeted communities, Design and contextualize the application to provide real-time information on the condition of the rangelands, Train Natural resource management committees in El-barde in the use of the application, create awareness to recruit users in El-barde and as well recruit pastoralist, provide support to download the application, monitor and support users and collect data on herd movement.
2.1. The objective of establishing and piloting E-sahn in El-barde
E-Sahan will be piloted in El-barde to provide real-time information to pastoralists and guide migration patterns of pastoralists in these locations; the pastoralists will be able to plan their migration and reduce the suffering of livestock; the application is expected to provide early warning information for the pastoralist. E-sahan system should incorporate and link the existing EW systems that have already been established. Efforts should be made to create synergy and link between Saadaal, and E-sahan.
3.0 Specific Tasks
2.1.1. Organize participatory discussions to understand context and needs that inform the most appropriate innovative solution to their problems. Conduct base value information to identify key risk factors for pastoralism and migration
2.1.2. Conduct user-consultations to determine the best communication channels to transmit information for decision making.
2.1.3. Conduct a mapping exercise of grazing units of the target communities including water points, migration roots, conflicts and community structures.
2.1.4. Design and develop a prototype E-sahan System to help pastoralists take informed decisions on migrations.
2.1.5. Train already established Natural resource management committee on E-Sahan application
2.1.6. Train existing community facilitators as E-Sahan field agents
2.1.7. Contextualize and link existing EW systems that project and other relevant programs in the country are working
2.1.8. Recruit local consultant assistance to do the initial mapping exercise in El-barde (this is highly recommended to be included during the application)
4.0. Deliverables
In reference to the scope of work above, including the predefined tasks, the consultant team is expected to accomplish and submit the following:
● Research methodology for the baseline survey /context-based value information, including the sampling methodology and the analysis framework,
● A detailed work plan outlining all tasks to be completed by each consultant team member for the duration of the end line.
5.0 Work Plan
The assignment will be conducted over a period of four (4 months) (but with 72 working days for the lead constant and 48 working days for the associate/ national consultant) as well as a software developer for 48 days starting as early as first March 2024. The consultant(s) must submit a timeline of activities as part of its proposal, which should align with the Scope of Work.
6.0. Team Organisation, including roles and staffing
The selected consultant(s) shall possess the following qualifications:
6.0. Mandatory submissions
a) Technical proposal outlining the approach to undertaking this assignment.
b) Financial proposal
c) Up-to-date CVs of lead consultants, Software Developer and the local consultant
· The TOR deadline for submission is 28-02-2025
· The submission should be emailed to:
· Questions about TOR should be sent to