GREDO- Gargaar Relief and Development Organization
Location of assignment
Announcing Date
Closing Date
Submission Email:
Organizational Background.
GREDO is a Somali based national NGO established in 1992 with strong presence and local context experience. Its non-profit non-partial, non- political and voluntary organization with its headquarter in Baidoa Somalia. When necessity of local partnership in relief program appeared in 1992 and responding to the partnership need, a group of Somali intellectuals and well-wishers initiated in December 1992 a local non-governmental organization called Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO).
GREDO continues to implement humanitarian and longer-term programs to achieve social and economic change, the organization implements wide range programming such as Wash, Health and Nutrition, Education, Protection, Peace building and Governance, Food security and livelihoods.
Assignment Overview and Objectives:
GREDO is implementing the Somalia Joint Response project (SOMJR) in Baidoa. Under the FSL component of the project, GREDO seeks to achieve improved households' access to diversified nutritious foods, diversified livelihoods, and economic opportunities so that they are more food secure and economically resilient. To achieve this, GREDO will implement farmers' training through agro-dealer engagement, and farmers will be further linked to agro-dealers to secure sustainable access to affordable quality inputs. The project will link small producers with local agro-dealers, and this linkage will also be used as a platform to expand the market-base for agro-dealers by introducing market opportunities. Farmers will benefit accessing quality inputs and training services. The agro-dealer company will conduct farmers' training on Homestead or kitchen gardening for 100 small holder farmers in Baidoa. Most vulnerable households will be identified from the IDP sites supported by the project and host community and will be trained on the production of vegetables through the establishment of multi-story gardens in their homesteads.
The overall objective of this assignment/engagement is to conduct a training for small holder farmers on kitchen gardening so that they can gain skills to produce nutritious vegetables (small gardens) and adapt to climate change impacts such as the frequent droughts and improve access to nutritious foods. The agro-dealer will train 100 farmers and disseminate knowledge on new technologies on kitchen gardening farming approach.
During the exercise he/she/facilitators shall maintain close working relationship with all stakeholders.
Key responsibilities:
1. Provide and transfer knowledge and practical skills on the preparation of vegetable gardens.
2. Train 100 farmers on the kitchen gardening and how to use farm inputs (provided seeds), as well as training on drought resilient farming practices or technologies (2-day venue sessions and 2-day field practical for each cohort of 20 farmers. Farmers will be trained in groups/cohorts of 20 people for 4 days.
3. At the end of the assignment period develop and share complied field training report, within 4 days’ period.
4. GREDO will provide logistics and admin support, it’s the agro dealers responsibility to handle trainees during sessions fully.
i. Provide and share work plan for executing the assignment for 5 cohorts or groups and each group will be trained for 4 days.
ii. Develop and share training package in soft copy.
iii. Ensure all 100 farmers are well trained and have clear, in-depth understanding of the training content and are confident to clearly implement leaned skills. Ensure relevant skills transferred clearly.
iv. The lead trainer shall develop and submit training report for the exercise after completion (in soft copy).
v. At the end of the exercise/assignment the lead consultant will prepare comprehensive final report in English language and share with GREDO. The report covers processes, field observations, immediate impact and recommendations.
GREDO Responsibilities:
To ensure the assignment is smoothly and successfully implemented, GREDO will provide all necessary support including logistics, farmers training costs, coordination with partners, local government and community engagement etc.
Fees for the exercise will be negotiated before the formal contract is signed and based on the technical proposal. Payments will be based on the successful completion of the agreed deliverables. Please provide a quote for all other relevant costs.
Requirements for Lead facilitators (Qualification, Skills and Experience).
v Qualification and experience - farm Sustainable Land Management (SLM) as well, agricultural production/Agronomy, livestock product e.g. or equivalent experience
v Experience in similar assignments on climate smart farming approaches such as home gardening, permaculture etc. and building capacity of communities/farmers with specific knowledge and experience in irrigated crop agronomy; food and nutrition security.
v With clearly demonstrated experience in such task of agricultural extension, including farmer field school.
v Experience in rural agriculture development issues.
v Must be local agro dealer in the project area.
v High quality reporting writing skills.
v Fluent and written local Somali language.
v Computer knowledge/skills are mandatory (Word, Excel etc.)
Child Protection/Safeguarding:
GREDO holds zero tolerance for safeguarding misconducts and the agro dealer is responsible to raise awareness of GREDOs child protection and safeguarding policy and to protect children from all forms of abuse, exploitation, harassment, violence and discrimination and report any incident in relation to CP/safeguarding. GREDO is committed to safeguarding the rights of its program beneficiaries, children, girls and women and all GREDO staffs/consultants and contractors have the primary responsibility in protecting those most vulnerable and at risk.
Core Values
◊ Integrity
◊ Honest,
◊ Openness
◊ Transparency
Application and Requirements.
NB: The agro-dealer company shall send a letter of application to recruitment@gredosom.org
or hand delivery in sealed envelope to GREDO Baidoa Office and indicate Application for Small holder Farmers Training on kitchen gardening in the subject line. This must include technical and financial proposal with detailed implementation work plan and updated CV of the lead facilitator with 3 professional referees. Other requirements from the agro-dealer company include Company profile, Registration Certificate, recommendation letter from the ministry of agriculture and contract copies of similar exercise previously undertaken. The deadline for application and document submission is 12/08/2024.
Upon analysis, GREDO will contact the selected agro-dealer company.
GREDO is an equal opportunities employer