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Terms of Reference for the Translation of Puntland Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2023-2027. - Care International

Date Posted: Nov 12, 2024
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Puntland State Of Somalia
  • Company:
  • Type:
    Full Time
  • Category:
    Technical Affairs
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
  • Apply Before:
    Nov 17, 2024

Job Description

Terms of reference for the translation of Puntland Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2023-2027.



The Puntland State of Somalia has made significant strides in political, social, and economic development since its leaders declared the territory an autonomous region in 1998. The region has managed to maintain relative peace and security in recent years, which has enabled it to establish political and administrative institutions, basic social services, an active civil society, and a growing private sector. Progress has been made in the education sector, especially in expanding public education opportunities with significant donor support. 

Somalia job market

Despite notable improvements in recent years, educational provision, participation, and completion in Puntland are among the lowest in the world. The GER for primary and secondary education is estimated to be about 33% (girls: 31.2%; boys: 34.8%) and 13.6 % (girls: 11.6%: boys: 15.1%) respectively[1].  The major challenges experienced in the education sector in Puntland are related to weak institutional and technical capacity of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoE&HE), low participation of children from marginalized groups such as those from pastoralist communities, and concerns of quality of education and TVET provision, which does not address the needs of the target groups.

1.1.        About the ESSP 2023-2027

This Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2023-2027 for Puntland State of Somalia is the third strategic plan of its kind. It is the product of a highly participatory and consultative process bringing together representatives from all MoE&HE at central, regional, district, community members, teachers, parents, other government ministries, Education Sector Coordination Committee, higher educational institutions, international non-governmental organizations, institutional donors and civil society organizations. Development of the ESSP was made possible through Global Partnership for Education (GPE) funding, which is highly appreciated by the Puntland Government, MoE&HE, and the public.

The plan is anchored on five principles: Equity, Quality, Relevancy, Efficiency and Sustainability. The ESSP outlines the agreed sub-sector priorities, strategies, activities, and targets over the next five years. It covers the sectors of Early Childhood Education, Education in Emergency, Primary Education (including special needs), Secondary Education, Non-formal Education/ Alternative Basic Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and Higher Education. The ESSP also identifies priorities for institutional capacity strengthening and sector financing. The ESSP includes a monitoring, evaluation, and learning framework with a costed work plan. The implementation of the ESSP will be monitored on an annual basis through a Joint Review of the Education Sector (JRES).

2. Objective of the assignment

The overall objective of the consultancy assignment is to translate the Puntland Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2023-2027 into Somali language. The ESSP was written in English and their translation into Somali will enhance utilization and adherence to policy guidelines in all regions for better and quality education.

The specific objective of the assignment of the assignment is to:

a)    To translate the previously developed ESSP 2023-2027 document into Somali language.

1.    Scope of the assignment

The assignment will mainly focus on the translation of ESSP 2023-2027, which will essentially enhance the governance structures of Puntland Education.

2.    Duties and responsibilities:

The duties and responsibilities of the consultant will include the following:

a)    Develop an inception report detailing methodologies the consultant will use and timeline

b)    Translate the ESSP 2023-2027 document into Somali language and proofread to ensure errors and omissions are eliminated

c)    Perform terminology research to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of all translations.

d)    Ensuring quality and accuracy of the entire document before submission to CARE Puntland and Puntland MoE&HE.

e)    Submit the draft versions of the translated policies to CARE Puntland and Puntland MOE&HE within the stipulated timeframe

f)      Incorporate suggested changes to the translation.

a)    Submit the final versions of the translated document to CARE Puntland and Puntland MOE&HE within the stipulated timeframe.

3.    Deliverables/Outputs of the Consultancy Assignment

Overall, the consultant will be expected to deliver translated ESSP 2023-2027 in soft and hard copies to CARE Puntland and Puntland MOE&HE.   This will include.

a)    Submission of inception report

b)    Draft versions of the translated ESSP

c)    Final versions of the translated ESSP

4.    Evaluation

The contract will be signed with individual consultants whose offers has been evaluated and determined to be responsive, compliant, and whose technical translation skills and experience best meets the standards for the translation of education documents and policies.

5.    Expected Time Frame for the Consultancy Assignment

The duration of the contractual relationship between CARE and the selected consultants should be five weeks starting from the signing date.


[1] EMIS MOE&HE, Puntland, 2022-2023

Experiences and Qualifications

    Skills Required of the Consultant

·       Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in education sectors so that s/he can know education terminology.

·       Demonstrated experience in translating professional documents such as policies and plans

·       Outstanding translation and editing skills, preferable Somali and English.

·       Experience in translating government policy documents related to education.

·       Demonstrate effective organizational skills and ability to handle work in an efficient and timely manner; and

·       Fully proficient in computer skills

2.    Terms of Payment 

 The payments will be structured based on the following deliverables.

a)    First Installment: Upon delivery of the inception report and draft versions of the translated policies that meets the expected standards

b)    Final Payment: Final version of the translated policies and dissemination of the policies evidenced by reports

How To Apply

All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above, and those unable to meet these requirements will not be considered.

Each application package should include the following:

·       Technica proposal

·       Financial proposal

·       Updated CV/ firm profile

·       Contact details of 3 references

All applications should be sent to latest by 23:59 Hours (GMT +3) Sunday 17 November  2024 in one email, with separate attachments for the technical and financial proposals in pdf and a Subject line ‘Translation of Puntland ESSP 2023-2024’.

Skills Required

Company Overview


CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focused on fighting global poverty.... Read More

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