Letter of invitation to tender.
Tender reference number: GFFO/WARDI /S09/321.50HvA/HvA/Caritas/2023/01/Borehole.
Tender subject: Invitation to tender for construction of borehole water supply system in Direye Hassan village Guriceel district, Galgadud region, Galmudug state, Somalia.
PROJECT NUMBER: project No.: S09/321.50HvA/HvA/Caritas/2023/01
PROJECT TITLE: Emergency Relief and Anticipatory Humanitarian Action for Victims of Climate-Related Disasters in Somalia. The project started 20th July 2023 and end 30th June 2025.
DATE: 28/052024
WARDI is one of the leading national non-governmental organizations in Somalia with operational presence across six regions in South Central. Founded in 1993 and dully registered with the Federal Government of Somalia, WARDI’s mission is to provide dignified support to people affected by crises to enable them to lead a dignified and prosperous life. WARDI has offices in Mogadishu, Beletweyne and Buloburte in South Central, Wanlaweyn in Lower Shebelle as well a liaison office in Nairobi. WARDI specializes in responding to humanitarian emergencies, bridging the gap between crisis and resilience as well as long-term developmental projects with track record in implementing high quality health and nutrition, food security and livelihood, education, protection, and WASH interventions. Our programming has the distinct attributes of applying bottom-up approach that puts the communities, local authorities, and governments (National and Federal states) we work with at the centre of our programmes.
With funding from German federal foreign office through Caritas Germany, WARDI is implementing a project titled “Emergency Relief and Anticipatory Humanitarian Action for Victims of Climate-Related Disasters in Somalia which our co-partner PACIDA also implementing in Northern Kenya, and Southern Ethiopia”. The project started 20th July 2023 and end 30th June 2025.
The project aims to address the urgent needs of affected families and contributes to their well-being by implementing a wide range of interconnected interventions. To ensure that basic needs are met, the program provides cash and food assistance to vulnerable households. Additionally, it focuses on improving access to safe drinking water through activities such as water trucking to remote communities, drilling and equipping boreholes, and constructing shallow wells completed with solar-powered systems for water storage and distribution. These efforts are complemented by the distribution of essential water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) non-food items (NFIs) to mitigate the outbreak of diseases.
Food security plays a crucial role in stabilizing the affected households, particularly (agro-) pastoralists. The program addresses this by implementing short-term measures such as livestock restocking and vaccination to protect the at-risk livestock population. Moreover, the distribution of assorted quality and drought-resistant agricultural seeds, as well as basic agricultural tools, aims to support disaster-affected farmers in restoring their agricultural activities and increasing their resilience.
Protection activities are an integral part of the program, aiming to reduce conflicts over limited natural resources between neighbouring communities. Protection trainings, including topics such as protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), gender-based violence (GBV), child safeguarding, and protection mainstreaming and inclusion, equip communities with the necessary capacities to promote a safe environment. Awareness sessions and community dialogues on issues like female genital mutilation (FGM) foster community engagement and contribute to behaviour change. In response to the specific vulnerabilities faced by women, children, and individuals with special needs, the program ensures that special attention is given to these target groups. Distribution of dignity kits, medical supplies for GBV survivors, and provision of solar lanterns for households enhance their safety and well-being.
To enhance preparedness and response mechanisms, the project actively engages with stakeholders and communities. This includes disseminating information on climate-related disasters and providing support through public media channels. The program participates in needs assessments to maintain an up-to-date understanding of the crisis and collaborates in coordination fora to ensure a comprehensive and well-coordinated response. Training community monitors and equipping locust scouts with personal protective equipment and monitoring tools enable early warning systems and data collection for timely and effective response to potential locust crises.
By implementing these diverse activities, the project aims to provide immediate relief, address long-term needs, and promote resilience among the affected populations. Through the integration of multiple sectors, collaboration with stakeholders, and community engagement, the project strives to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those facing the current crisis.
The project directly targets about 24,900 HHs with an average household size of 6 persons: in total about 144,600 persons, of which 7,471 are women, 6.025 men, 4.820 boys and 5.784 girls. The project area includes 7 villages in Jalalaqsi district of Hiran region (namely Ceel-Ciid, Tardo, Jalaqsi town, Iji, Xaalfooley, Afardiid, Dufaaleey) and 9 villages in Guriceel district of Galgadud region (namely Salaax-Dhadhaab, Lanle, Dirie-Hassan, Beeya-Cad, Xaarxaar, Gabuun, Bali-Cilaanle, Baar-Ugaas and Harqaboobe).
The bidders will collect the tender documents from the following officeses WARDI main office in Mogadishu along lamiyareroad Wadajir,district,Somalia, WARDI Guriceel office in Guriceel town during working days from 8:00am to 3:00pm from 28th May 2024 to 10th June 2024. Interested Suppliers with sound capacity and relevant experience in similar work are here by invited to submit their bids with the following clearly marked on the envelope.
Any unsealed envelope without the tender reference number will not be considered and opened.
Requirements needed when bidding for this tender are:
1) Company Profile
2) Quotation price or financial offer stamped and signed
3) Registration certificate by ministry of public works federal government of Somalia.
4) Registration certificate by ministry of public works, Reconstruction and housing Galmudug state
5) Valid tax compliance certificate
6) Equipment owned or hired by the company
7) CVs of the technical staff
8) Delivery work plan.
9) experience at least one contract sample of same nature work done by your company which is above 100,000 usd and three other sample contract of any construction work.
10) Declaration others annexes filled, stamped and signed.
The deadline for submitting bids is 10th June 2024 at 4:30 PM and any tender or documents received later than this date will not be accepted. The sealed tender document should be dropped at WARDI Office Tender Box in the above mentioned above respective WARDI offices and all bidders must sign and put their details the tracking sheet when taking the tender documents and when returning there final bids .
WARDI reserves the right to accept or reject any bid without assigning any reasons.