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Terms of References for Procurement for development of radio programs on livestock production and Husbandry, in Afgoi, Wanlaweyn and Burhakaba - WARDI Relief and Development Initiative

Date Posted: Oct 15, 2024
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Tender Detail

Tender Description

Terms of References

Procurement for development of radio programs on livestock production and Husbandry, in Afgoi, Wanlaweyn and Burhakaba, Somalia.

Tender reference #: WARDI/Care - AART - 2024 – 001-Radio program.

The contact person for this tender is: Abshir Mohamed, 
1. About WARDI

WARDI is a national non-governmental organization in Somalia with operational presence across six regions in South Central. Founded in 1993 and fully registered with the Federal Government of Somalia, WARDI’s mission is to provide dignified support to people affected by crises to enable them lead a dignified and prosperous life. WARDI has offices in Mogadishu, Jowhar, Afgoi, Wanlaweyn, Beletweyne and Buloburte in South Central as well a liaison office in Nairobi. WARDI specializes in responding to humanitarian emergencies, bridging the gap between crisis and resilience as well as long-term developmental projects with a track record in implementing high-quality health and nutrition, food security and livelihood, education, protection, and WASH interventions. Our programming has the distinct attributes of applying a bottom-up approach that puts the communities, local authorities, and governments (National and Federal states) we work with at the center of our programs.

2. About the project

WARDI is implementing anticipatory action and climate resilience along The transhumance corridor project funded by DANIDA in Afgio, Wanlaweyn, and Burhakaba, Somalia

Somalia faces a multifaceted humanitarian crisis due to climate events, inter-clan disputes, and governance issues. This has severely impacted the pastoral and agro pastoral communities, jeopardizing their food security and livelihoods. Over 65% of Somalia's workforce relies on pastoralism, underpinning 80% of the country's annual exports. While pastoralists have traditionally navigated extreme climates through long-distance livestock migrations, this crucial resilience is now under threat, as climate change, over-grazing, unsustainable habits, and conflict disrupt seasonal routines of livestock corridors.

Description of the goods/services/trade or construction work

Type of service tendered: Delivery of service

a. Description of the goods/service

As part of the AART project implementation, WARDI is planning to engage a consulting company to develop a series of radio programs to educate pastoralists on animal husbandry and broadcast. The consulting company will specifically design radio programs to educate pastoralists to improve farming and marketing practices, focusing on feeding formulation and preparation, animal health and disease prevention measures, entrepreneurial skills, and marketing of livestock. The consultant will develop a series of radio programs in role-play blended with some concert poems and traditional songs that attract pastoralists to listen to the program. The consultant will air the program through a wide range of FM radios. The radio program should create awareness and educate pastoralists on IBLI and its policy features


• Develop scripts in Somali.
• Record and produce the drama series.
• Engage and partner with FM Radios in the three areas to air the program series.
• Develop and run PSAs on partner FM stations to keep the audience hooked to the program.
• Engage and collaborate with partner FM radio stations to run weekly feedback episodes, preferably the day following the program episode.
• Write and provide weekly feedback reports for monitoring, evaluation, and learning purposes.

The consulting firm/individual will be responsible for the following:

• Develop content that will be scrutinized and guided by technical livestock and IBLI advisors.

• Developing context-relevant and attractive radio programs that the pastoral communities can easily follow.
• Record and produce the radio program with a high-quality studio sound taste.
• Finding, evaluating, and collaborating with local FM radio stations in Afgoye, Wanlaweyn, and Burhakaba to broadcast the drama series and feedback episodes.

• Developing a weekly reporting brief focusing on the feedback of the target audience and their knowledge of the selected topics to help the project evaluate the overall goals of the program.

• Constitute and develop an easy title for the drama series and captivating jingles that resonate with the overall objective of the radio series.

Consultant role and expecting deliverables
 A complete and well-thought-out 10-episode script capturing relevant topics in livestock production and farming.

 Well-produced and recorded 10 episodes complete with jingles and dramatized by experienced and competent artists whose voice quality depicts the desired character in the play.
 Engage three local FM radio stations in Afgoye, Wanlaweyn, and Burhakaba to broadcast the 10 program episodes, 10 feedback episodes, and PSAs for 10 weeks.
 A comprehensive weekly report of the feedback episode of the program.

How To Apply

Interested applicants who meet the required profile are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (E.O.I.), including: -

  1. A suitability statement including the CV of participating consultants with details of

qualifications and experience.

  1. Work plan indicating the activity schedule.

III.        Financial proposal providing cost estimates and consultancy fees.

  1. Contacts of three organizations recently contracted you for a similar assignment.

Publication / sending date of the call for tender 14/10/2024

Deadline for the submission of the first offer 21/10/2024

These dates are fixed by WARDI, offers submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Skills Required

Company Overview


WARDI Relief & Development Initiatives is a national non-profit making and non-governmental organization founded on 20 June, 1993 and subsequently registered under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the transitional federal government of Somalia... Read More

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