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Terms of Reference (ToRs) for Outcome Harvesting and learning documentations for ICSP project. - Oxfam

Date Posted: Dec 13, 2023
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    Dec 19, 2023

Job Description

Terms of Reference (ToRs)

Outcome Harvesting and learning documentations for ICSP project.


This document outlines the Terms of Reference (ToR) for conducting an Outcome Harvesting exercise for the ICSP (Integrated Community Support Program) project. The project, funded by Irish Aid through Oxfam Ireland (OIE), is a triple nexus (humanitarian-development-peace) response in the fragile areas of Garowe and Caynabo in Somalia and Somaliland. The objective of the Outcome Harvesting exercise is to measure the progress of the project since its implementation and assess the outcomes achieved using the Institutional Behavior Change Matrix and Scorecards.


Climate change (also see El Niño watch below), conflict and insecurity are continuously affecting the livelihoods of Somalia’s pastoralist and farming communities, leading to displacement - on top of conflict/violence in many parts of the country, including on land/resources and between clans and government and non-state armed actors. Recurring and worsening drought conditions lead to massive crop failures and reduced rural employment opportunities, widespread shortages of water and pasture, rapidly diminishing food access among poor households as staple food prices continue to rise sharply and livestock prices decrease significantly. Oxfam’s gender and protection analyses (May 2021) across Somalia highlighted that the existing humanitarian situation contributes to heightened protection risks for women and girls. Protection risks are further exacerbated by forced evictions/displacement, forced recruitment of men into armed groups and discrimination of minorities and marginalized groups.

The continued vulnerability of communities in Somalia highlights the need for an approach that not only addresses the humanitarian needs of communities but rather focuses on long-term investment in building community resilience whilst at the same time addressing the root causes of the humanitarian situation in the country.

El Niño watch - El Niño is a climate phenomenon characterized by the warming of the eastern and central equatorial Pacific Ocean, exerting extensive influence on global weather patterns. In the context of Somalia, El Niño is anticipated to bring significant rainfall and trigger both positive and negative impacts on the country's climate and environment. The region’s most susceptible to these effects in Somalia are the communities spanning over 30 districts across the Somalia/Puntland/Somaliland. Notably, El Nino is poised to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, particularly affecting IDPs and vulnerable hard-to-reach communities. Already, the 2021-2023 drought has forced more than 1.4 million people from their homes, including 569,000 people displaced due to conflict and insecurity since 2023. An estimated 1.2 million people are expected to face adverse impacts from the El Nino rains in the final quarter of 2023 into 2024.


The ICSP project was initially aimed to reach 200,000 people, with a special focus on women and youth (60% of the beneficiaries) to ensure their inclusion and representation. Oxfam is in partnership with Candlelight, a long-term local partner with expertise in humanitarian response, resilience-building, and climate/environment programs in the target areas. The project addressed the challenges posed by climate change, conflict, and insecurity, which continuously affect the livelihoods of pastoralists in Ainabo district.

Project Rationale

The project’s specific objective and outcomes are: -


  • Impact/Goal - Conditions enabling sustainable human security for vulnerable pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in Somaliland and Puntland are created.


Outcome 1: Enhanced resilience capacity of communities to adapt to climate-induced crisis (DRR, EW, community structures)

Output 1.1: EW EA, establish/strengthen community early warning system linked to national-level EW system.

Output 1.2: community action and adaptation plans linked to contingency funds.

Output 1.3: Natural resources management plans developed and implemented at community level.

Output 1.4: Crisis modifier – respond to immediate food, water and protection needs of communities and HHs during crisis.

Outcome 2: Improved sustainable livelihood diversification through restoration and protection of community assets and investment in productive sectors for pastoral and agro-pastoral communities

Output 2.1: restoration of community infrastructure – soil and water conservation, conservation of rangelands

Output 2.2: diversified livelihoods for communities: smart agriculture, fodder production, livestock treatment services

Outcome 3: Enhanced social cohesion and inclusive governance systems through community peacebuilding, conflict resolution and promoting women’s leadership.

Output 3.1: Peace and conflict resolutions trainings for community committees (VDCs, EWC, NRM, Peacebuilding committees) and economic groups

Output 3.2: Enhanced women’s leadership in peacebuilding and social cohesion: strengthen/establish women groups promoting peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

Objectives of the Outcome Harvesting


The primary objective of the Outcome Harvesting exercise is to assess the progress and outcomes of the ICSP project, with a specific focus on the following objectives:


  • Measure the progress and outcomes of the ICSP project since its implementation.


  • Assess the institutional behavior change achieved by the project using the Institutional Behaviour Change Matrix and Scorecards.


  • Determine the project's impact on addressing structural poverty and vulnerabilities for pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.


  • Evaluate the project's ability to address the key factors driving insecurity for vulnerable communities.


  • Assess the project's contribution to the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus approach and its effectiveness in decreasing destabilizing factors due to political dynamics and recurring drought crises.


  • Evaluate the project's efforts in addressing the vulnerability of women, girls, persons with disabilities (PWD), and youth, and empowering them through various initiatives.


  • Assess the project's success in strengthening community resilience and creating relevant structures at the community level linked with government departments.


  • Evaluate the project's impact on capacitating line ministries, particularly the National Disaster Preparedness and Food Reserve Authority (NADFOR) in Somaliland, through the strengthening of mobile early warning systems.


  • Incorporate a detailed learning aspect to identify lessons learned, best practices, and areas for improvement.


  • To provide accountability to the project stakeholders like the donor.




The Outcome Harvesting exercise will utilize the Institutional Behaviour Change Matrix and Scorecards as the primary tools for assessment. The following steps will be undertaken.


a)Review project documentation, including the ICSP project proposal, ICSP log frame, ICSP baseline report and relevant reports, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's objectives, activities, and expected outcomes.

b)Conduct interviews and focus group discussions with project beneficiaries, community members, project staff, and relevant stakeholders to gather qualitative data on the project's impact and outcomes.

c)Analyze the collected data using the Institutional Behaviour Change Matrix and Scorecards to identify the extent to which the project has achieved its intended outcomes and behavioral changes.

  1. d) Identify and document lessons learned, best practices, and areas for improvement through a comprehensive learning component. 

e)Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the findings, key achievements, challenges, and recommendations for future interventions.

Key Guiding Criteria and Questions


Criteria for Conducting Outcome Harvesting


  • Progress and Outcomes Assessment: Measure the progress and outcomes of the ICSP project since its implementation.


  • Institutional Behavior Change: Assess the institutional behavior change achieved by the project using the Institutional Behavior Change Matrix and Scorecards.


  • Poverty and Vulnerability Reduction: Determine the project's impact on addressing structural poverty and vulnerabilities for pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.


  • Addressing Insecurity: Evaluate the project's ability to address the key factors driving insecurity for vulnerable communities.


  • HDP Nexus Approach: Assess the project's contribution to the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus approach and its effectiveness in decreasing destabilizing factors due to political dynamics and recurring drought crises.


  • Empowerment of Marginalized Groups: Evaluate the project's efforts in addressing the vulnerability of women, girls, persons with disabilities (PWD), and youth, and empowering them through various initiatives.


  • Community Resilience: Assess the project's success in strengthening community resilience and creating relevant structures at the community level linked with government departments.


  • Capacitating Line Ministries: Evaluate the project's impact on capacitating line ministries, particularly the National Disaster Preparedness and Food Reserve Authority (NADFOR) in Somaliland, through the strengthening of mobile early warning systems.


  • Learning documentation: Produce a comprehensive learning documentation based on three project result areas chosen with the help of technical teams.


Some Key Guiding Questions for the Outcome Harvesting


  • How has the project progressed since its implementation? What outcomes have been achieved?


  • What changes have occurred in the behavior and practices of institutions involved in the project? How has this contributed to the ICSP project's success?


  • To what extent has the project addressed structural poverty and vulnerabilities for pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities? What specific impacts have been observed?


  • How effectively has the project addressed the key factors driving insecurity for vulnerable communities? What measurable improvements have been made?


  • In what ways has the project contributed to the HDP Nexus approach? How has it mitigated the impact of political dynamics and recurring drought crises?


  • How have women, girls, persons with disabilities, and youth been empowered through the project? What initiatives have been successful in promoting their inclusion and well-being?


  • To what extent has the project strengthened community resilience? How have relevant structures at the community level been created and linked with government departments?


  • What impact has the project had on capacitating line ministries, particularly NADFOR, through the strengthening of mobile early warning systems? How has this improved disaster preparedness and response?


  • What lessons have been learned throughout the project's implementation? What are the best practices that can be replicated or scaled up? What areas need improvement for future projects?


By using these criteria and guiding questions, the Outcome Harvesting exercise is expected to provide a comprehensive assessment of the ICSP project's progress, outcomes, and impact, enabling valuable insights for future decision-making and improvement.



The following deliverables are expected from the Outcome Harvesting exercise.

a)A detailed outcome harvesting report, which includes updated project result framework.

b)Documentation of three learning briefs:-          Project contribution to HDP

-          Project contribution to promoting smart agriculture through green house.

-          VSLAs


c)Recommendations for improving the project effectiveness and sustainability, including suggestions for future interventions.


The Outcome Harvesting exercise is expected to be completed within 20 days. The timeline should include sufficient time for data collection, analysis, report writing, and presentation of findings.

Reporting and Communication

The consultant/team responsible for conducting the Outcome Harvesting exercise will be required to provide regular updates and progress reports to the project management team. Any challenges or issues encountered during the assessment should be communicated promptly.


A detailed budget for the Outcome Harvesting exercise, including all anticipated costs such as travel, data collection, analysis, and report writing, should be provided with the proposal. The budget lines should be indicated in US dollars.

Experiences and Qualifications

The consultant/team responsible for conducting the Outcome Harvesting exercise should possess the following qualifications and experience.


  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting outcome mapping or Harvesting assessments, preferably in the context of humanitarian, development, and peace projects.


  • Demonstrated expertise in using IBCM and scorecards in outcome harvesting.


  • Strong knowledge and understanding of the Somali context, including the challenges faced by pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.


  • Experience in working with local partners and stakeholders in the region.


  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.


Ethical Considerations    

The consultant/team should adhere to ethical standards throughout the assessment process. This includes obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of respondents, and maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

How To Apply

Interested consultants (firms) are requested to submit a detailed technical proposal outlining their approach, methodology, timeline, budget, relevant experience, and CVs of the team leaders. The proposal should be submitted to by 19th December 2023. Applications will be reviewed on rolling basis, with only shortlisted candidates be contacted for the next stage in the selection process.

Skills Required

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