World Vision Somaliland
EU-BREACH PROJECT (Boosting Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change)
Enhancing Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change and Reinforcing Displaced Communities in Burao, Somaliland.
Job Title: Consultant for Permaculture assessment, establishing and training staff on permaculture in Burao IDP camps settlement.
Department/Sector: Food Security and Livelihoods Department.
Duty Station: Burco district, Somaliland
Type of contract: Short term Consultancy
Expected Starting date: 6th January 2025
Duration of Assignment: 3 months
1.0 Background
The Somali Resilience Program (SomReP) is an ambitious approach to tackle the challenge of recurrent droughts and the chronic vulnerability among pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, peri-urban and IDP households in Somalia/Somaliland. SomReP is being implemented through a consortium with the Technical Unit housed under World Vision Somalia for coordination and provision of technical support/direction to the program. These 8 organizations have experience in Somalia/Somaliland and jointly aim to build resilient households and communities besides providing durable solutions to IDPs across Somaliland, Puntland and South-Central Somalia using their own potential and abilities other than depending on hand-outs. This approach was adopted to foster synergies on approaches and best practices by different members to better support the communities.
The main goal of SomRep is increasing the resilience of chronically vulnerable Somali people, households (host/IDPs), communities and systems to climatic shocks and other related risk in pastoral, agro-pastoral and peri-urban livelihood zones
To achieve this, the consortium has over the years implemented multisector area-based integrated project activities including agriculture. For the agriculture sector, priority has been promoting strategies to improve agriculture production to enhance food security using innovative approaches like climate smart agriculture practices, regenerative agriculture practices which are underlined by promotion of Good Agriculture Practices.
2.0 Current Status
Assessments by SomRep and information from secondary data, proved a number of factors are known to limit crop production in many locations in Somalia/Somaliland. Some of the factors identified include: recurrent drought, poor/erratic seasonal rainfall, using unimproved crop seed varieties, lack of access to crop seed, unorganized farmers or weak farmers’ associations, poor agronomic practices and degraded lands resulting in poor soil fertility, crop pests/disease, invasive weeds, poor irrigation practices and infrastructure and lack of appropriate storage structures. In addition, most households traditionally practice monocropping while among IDPs, lack of farming land limits their engagement in agriculture production which results in many doing backyard gardening which is also not well managed and dominated by monocropping.
Therefore, increasing crop production for food and income among IDPs using innovative approach like permaculture are some of the key interventions planned to be supported among IDPs in Burao - Somaliland. With funding from European Union, SomReP is implementing a project whose main goal is to enhance the resilience of displacement affected communities in Burao and adjacent locations of Somaliland through access to durable solutions driven by a rights and needs based approach. To achieve this, multi-sector interventions are being supported that includes agriculture activities focusing on promoting permaculture among IDP communities. However, the concept of permaculture through old, is new among the target population hence the need for clear understanding to guide implementation for increased production
3.0 The Consultancy
SomReP will support households in IDPs in Burao to engage in agriculture production for food and income. However, a number of factors limit IDPs potential to engage in full- and large-scale agriculture production mainly because of lacking/limited access to permanent land. In light of this, the project will support households in IDPs to establish permaculture gardens to produce vegetables. In a way this will help to contribute to realization of their right to safe, dignified living conditions and capacity to earn and income to support families. Although permaculture is an old concept, this is new to most target people in Burao and also staff. Therefore, there a need to have a clear understanding on permaculture to ensure effective implementation.
4.0 Objective and Scope of the Assignment
A number of stakeholders (Ministry of Agriculture staff, SomReP staff, community leaders and households themselves) will take part in facilitating implementation of permaculture most of whom do have the requisite skills and knowledge on permaculture concept and related principles Therefore, the objective of this assignment is to provide technical guidance and bring clarity on planning/assessment, designing, establishment, management and monitoring of permaculture interventions among IDPs in Burao.
Therefore, the following is expected to be done under this assignment:
· Conduct feasibility study for permaculture establishment in target IDP settlement in Burao by looking at the following:
o Assess and establish the needs for permaculture
o Establish requirements for establishing permaculture site
o Assess and establish what organization/approach/set up (group or individual sites) can work for permaculture site
o Assess the type of permaculture plan to be used in target site
· Designing of permaculture site in holistic manner.
o Articulate permaculture techniques that can be used in the target settlements
o Document what local resources can be used to establish the permaculture site
o Articulate the permaculture components to be used in establishing the permaculture site and show the requirements to build each of the component
· Develop and provide an example of master permaculture site plan
· Develop and provide checklist to guide management, monitoring and evaluation of permaculture site.
· Conduct practical training for staff (SomReP & MoAD) and farmers and demonstrate how to plan, layout and establish permaculture site
· Develop a short Permaculture Training guide to be used when train households
5.0 Expected Output
· Feasibility assessment done with clear needs established and requirements to establish permaculture garden in IDPs/host communities documented.
· Permaculture design framework developed.
· Example of permaculture master plan developed
· Checklist to guide management, monitoring and evaluation of permaculture site developed
· Farmer and staff training done
· Demonstration done on permaculture establishment
· Contextualized Permaculture training guide developed
6.0 Expected deliverables
The required outputs of this consultancy will be as follows:
a) An inception report (maximum five pages) outlining the approach/methodology and execution program/timetable. This report shall be submitted for review and approval by WV.
b) Data collection tools shall be submitted with the inception report, for review and approval by World Vision;
c) Draft report on the assignment which shall be submitted within five days after completion of the field work.
d) Permaculture Training guide submitted in soft copy
e) The final assignment report incorporating comments / feedback from the Contracting Authority.
7.0 Duration
The consultancy is planned for (3) Three months (January 2025 - March 2025), A phased approach will be employed based on the finally agreed-upon schedule of deliverables and expected outputs, with the consultant dedicating each month to fieldwork and training in Burao.
The Consultant must be multidisciplinary (one of the key skills a consultant should have Agribusiness background). At the minimum, the consultant(s) must possess the following:
a. At least Master’s Degree in Agriculture with a minimum of five (5) years demonstrated experience in sustainable agriculture practices.
b. Strong experience in permaculture gardens designing and management and training of staff and farmers
b) Demonstrate a good understanding of Somaliland with practical working experience or research/surveys in such environments.
c) Experience in mapping land ecosystems
d) Experience in developing Permaculture training guide (considering gender and people with disability considerations) to guide field-based staff and farmer training.
1.0 Logistics, food and accommodation
World Vision will provide logistical support, including facilitation in arranging meetings with partners and relevant authorities. The non-local consultant will be provided with visa application, an air ticket to and from the country of origin to Somaliland. World Vision will also cover food and accommodation costs including vehicles required to carry out field assignments.
The Selection of the consultant will be made based on cumulative analysis (i.e., mandatory requirement and technical qualifications as follows:
a. Provide a Certificate of Permaculture Design Course (PDC) – The consultant should be a certified permaculture designer and understands core permaculture principles, ethics, design processes, and techniques.
b. Provide references/proof documents from previous clients for similar work on permaculture project or Hands-on experiences (At least two).
A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following; –
● A cover letter outlining the suitability of the consultant in undertaking the assessment, motivation and summarizing relevant experience (Not exceeding one page).
● Consultant individual profile (Not exceeding one page).
● Precise permaculture assessment, design, establishment and management technical proposal that should include proposed methodology (Not exceeding 5 pages).
● Clear work plan including outputs/deliverables and time frames (One page)
● Detailed CVs of key personnel (including any formal qualifications) to be involved in the assignment with clear roles/responsibilities should be provided.
● Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlines in this ToR.
Financial Evaluation
· As part of the Consultant selection process, the best candidates will be requested to prepare draft inception report and make a presentation of the same to the SomRep/WV Technical Team to inform the final decision on award of the Contract.
All interested bidders/consultants are requested to submit their Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email on or before 7th December 2024. Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.