Terms of Reference: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Training for Ministry of Health Development Staff in Somaliland
1.0 Background and Context
The Somaliland Ministry of Health Development (MoHD) and King’s Global Health Partnership (KGHP) are seeking a consultant or team to deliver training to MoHD and associated people on monitoring and evaluation. KGHP and MoHD are currently working on the National Healthcare Quality Improvement Project (NQIP) in six regional hospitals in Somaliland.
The Ministry of Health Development (MoHD) is currently formulating a new cycle of programmes for 2024-2028. In line with the priorities of the Government of Somaliland national development plan, National Health Policy II 2022-2027 and the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the new Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) aspires to be: inclusive health sector with the alignment of Universal health coverage and sustainable growth and transformational governance for development. As informed by the above strategic frameworks, the new HSSP focuses particularly on developing national and subnational capacities to implement, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the country programme in a rigorous manner. This includes developing the frameworks, collect data and develop analysis tools for monitoring outputs and progress towards expected results.
This training for MOHD staff takes place under the National Quality Improvement Project which is funded by Qatar Charity. The purpose of this training is to build the capacity of the MOHD staff on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) so that they can effectively track progress of health projects and programmes both for NQIP but also on other projects.
2.0 About the MEAL Training Course
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning is in collecting, analyzing, and transforming health data into strategic information for informed decision-making, improved effectiveness, and enhanced
advocacy in health programs. MEAL will help to ensure that health programs are implemented as planned and to assess whether desired results are being achieved.
This course aims to build the capacity of MoHD officials working on healthcare quality improvement. The acquired MEAL skills will assist the participants in improving health program planning and performance management and enhance the institutionalization of the collection of health-related data and the analysis of program impact. The main topics covered include the development of monitoring and evaluation for key health sector program areas including quality improvement.
2.1 Target Participants
- This course is designed for Central MoHD staff at first instant, particularly, the M&E Section, Research team, and other relevant staff.
- The second cohort will be core staff from the regional Ministries and hospitals as cascading training.
2.2 Course Objectives
Participants will learn: By the end of this course the learners should be able to deliver against some of the following:
2.3 Course duration
- 4-6 Days
- 4 days Class-based
- Potential for 1 to 2 days of hospital visits with data collection and analysis
3.0 Training Approach
This should be an interactive Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Certification training program and will consist of the following training approaches:
4.0 Certification
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be issued with a certificate.
5.0 Training Process:
There will be three trainings that will be held:
15 staff of them will be trained in Hargeisa (Hargeisa,Berbera and Borama hospitals and regional ministry offices) and another 15 will be trained in Burao (Buroa,Erigavo and Ainaba hospitals and regional ministry offices)
6.0 Role of Consultant
This training will be conducted by appropriate consultants who will have the following responsibilities:
7.0 Deliverables
Following will be the deliverables of this training consultancy:
Eligibility Criteria of Consultant
Following is the eligibility criteria for the consultant who will be contracted with this assignment:
Engagement with KGHP and MOHD
The consultant will work closely with M&E Lead at MOHD and other MOHD officials, the local programme office from KGHP and the UK-based MEAL Advisor in KGHP.
Kindly submit you’re the following key document to info.mohd@sldgov.org and procurement.mohd@sldgov.org
Please ensure to Cc abdik4756@gmail.com by 11pm on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024.