▪ Context
Somalia has just come out of an unprecedented five consecutive season of below-average rainfall exposing vulnerable people to additional risk. About eight million people lack access to adequate food and safe water and sanitation facilities. Drought-induced displacement has increased fivefold since the beginning of 2022. Due to such conditions, the country has been facing severe food insecurity, resulting in increases in food prices combined with an escalation of conflict and displacement.
Agriculture sector is further weakened by Poor access to markets: Access to markets is challenging mostly due to a lack of infrastructure that could stimulate the opening of markets and spur rural and urban development. Insecurity is also a major hindrance to market development and functionality. A lack of surplus local production leads to over-reliance on food imports but also inhibits rural development as it limits market activity in rural, hard-to-reach areas. Market development in terms of putting in place physical infrastructure, establishing a conducive policy environment, and establishment of linkages between producers and private sector (business-to-business linkages) is key to improving market access.
Other than the production, post- harvest losses is a major challenge that needs to be prioritised. To reduce post- harvest loss, there is need for improved access to innovations applied across main value chains through an evidence- based model and replication of good and best practices remains key. The lack of or limited investment in value addition and value chain development including but not limited to waste-recycling of product remains such as coconut shell, Banana fibre, maize corps and stalks in to valuable products has been identified as a major weakness in the value-chain system development. There is limited agro-processing and value addition in almost all aspects of the food systems. The agro-processing industry is constrained by the shortage of skilled labourers, the high cost of energy, lack of infrastructure, lack of formal credit facilities and limited capacity for innovation and investment.
▪ Proposed response
To address the problem facing the agricultural value chain, Alight in partnership with GIZ intends to Pilot simple methods of processing agricultural products to add value to production and reduce post-harvest loses. Due to the climate volatility, farmers need more diverse income to reduce risk of poor agricultural harvests. One way of doing this is by introducing some new technologies that can enhance production and processing of product value-chain. Alight in partnership with GIZ has identified promoting the use for converting coconut shells into valuable items such as household utensils (plates, cups, keyholders, ornaments and ropes etc). The coconut shell, which is usually discarded, can be used to create a new product with market value that can provide additional and diversified income for farmers to fall back on in case of poor harvest. The making process involves various steps. The ripe/matured
coconuts which are grown in and around firms are collected or sometimes coconuts are purchased from the farmers.
Description of the Process of Converting of coconut shell utensils & ornaments in Gobweyn and Luglaw Scopeofwork:
The skilled artisan will be trained on ways of selecting the proper well shaped coconut shell according to the different pattern to be carved. Trained on how the collected coconuts are scraped out and the surface of the shell is cleaned to make it smooth. Training them on cutting skills into desired shape and size of the item to be prepared. The stencils are made and the shape is cut out with the help of bow blades; training them on smoothening of edges by filing process until the finish is adequate. Training on drilling to make the small holes if required and sticking the different parts using strong adhesive fevikwik/fevicol. Carving, designs and engraving. Finally the polishing is done using bee-wax and it is coated with synthetic varnish to create the glossy texture. The finished product is dried under the sunlight.
Alight will provide trainings to introduce these technologies to the target groups and provide start-up kits to help initiate the new micro-enterprises.
The process of coconut crafts involves sketching, cutting, sanding, and buffing to create the finished product. The process involved in sourcing the coconut shell for the finished product has undergone drastic changes. Initially, hand tools were used to carve, cut, and finish the edges. With the advent of machines, there are lathe machines that have replaced all the hand tools.
The expert is expected to undertake training of artisans on the entire process from selection of suitable coconut shell to the finished product. The use of techniques and technology that should offers efficiency and effectiveness will be prioritized
2. Purpose of the ToR
The purpose of this TOR is to seek Qualified professional training institutions and individuals with expertise in Training of 10 artisans on converting coconut shell to useful utensils, ornaments and robes in Gobweyn, Kismaya District.
Training of artisans: To embark skills to make the artifacts Alight is requesting companies, individual experts and institutions specialized in recycling of coconut shell to make ornaments, utensils, jewelry and robes among other products to submit their expression of interest in providing craft-skills training for 10 Artisans. Alight will facilitate provision of training space, trainees transport to and from training site,
3. Target Beneficiaries:
Although the project will have its impactful services reach to the entire coconut value chain, but the project will identify a group of 10 Men in Gobweyn village who will be target primary beneficiary and owners of the proposed craft-processing enterprise. Identification and Selection of the beneficiaries will be done by Alight in close collaboration with GIZ and the local community.
Other beneficiaries who will be impacted by the project are are the coconut growers as well as product consumers who will have access to non-plastic household utensils that are healthy and durable.
4. Deliverable outputs
The interested agencies are required to submit expression of interesting detailing how they will implement the training of the 10 artisans, Quantity and cost of training materials, Equipment/ tools as well as facilitation cost.
The expert will facilitate training of short professional course training for 10 artisans on craft-skills of making valuable items from coconut shell. The experts should illustrate diverse products in which it can train. Priority will be given to experts with skills to train artisan in producing more diversified products that are marketable in the local market.
▪ Provide quotation of Quantity on cost of training materials, Equipment/ tools as well as facilitation cost required to successfully deliver the training.
▪ The interested institutions or technical expert willing to undertake the services are asked to submit to a comprehensive narrative and financial proposal including the following:
▪ Profile of the company or CV of the Individual: including a historical background on the organization; mandate and scope of work; available personnel and qualifications; track record in implementing similar.
▪ Annexes and supporting documents including proposal, budget, implementation plans and pictures that demonstrate past experience of undertaking similar task.
Interested applicants should submit their application to below email smprocurement-kis@wearealight.org NOT later than 15th December 2024, 5:30PM EAT. Application submitted past this date and time will NOT be considered.