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Tender for Construction of new water system contain shallow well, 25 cum elevated water tank, pipeline extension, and 2 kiosks with fence in Belet-Hawa District, Gedo region, Jubaland state - NCA

Date Posted: Jan 20, 2025
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Tender Detail

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    Feb 10, 2025

Tender Description


Reference:                   NCA 1018-2025

Item number and title: Construction of new water system contain shallow well, 25 cum elevated water tank, pipeline extension, and 2 kiosks with fence in Belet-Hawa District, Gedo region, Jubaland state.

Contracting Authority:             NCA Act Alliance

Deadline for submission of offer: 10/02/2025


NCA is an independent humanitarian organization established in Norway to work with people around the world to save lives, eradicate poverty and seek justice together. Together with our international network and partner organisations in the ACT Alliance we can reach millions of people each year and help make a positive difference around the world. We are determined to work towards eradicating injustice, and we therefore work passionately with advocacy, long-term development in local communities and providing emergency assistance. NCA became active in Gedo Region in the year 1993.

Invitation To Tender

NCA invites interested companies to tender Construction of new water system contain shallow well, 25 cum elevated water tank, pipeline extension and 2 kiosks with fence, Gedo region, Jubaland state. 


The company profile must be attached the following required document:

  1. Proposal Submission Form duly completed and signed by the company.
  2. Valid certificate of business registration from the Local Authority Dollow District, Gedo Regional Authority and Jubaland State.
  3. Valid tax registration, tax clearance certificates or similar documents, and where applicable advance tax clearance certificate of Local Authority, Jubaland state, or Federal state. 
  4. Detailed Company profile that includes a capability statement and an organogram
  5. Information on ownership structure (Name of directors of the company / Owner)
  6.  List three corporate clients (attach documentary evidence which may include copies of Works Contract issued/duly authorized client testimonial in the last 2 years.
  7. Certified/stamped financial bank statements for the past 3 months.
  8. Work schedule (Detailed work schedule) with clear timelines on Project completion times and dates.
  9. CV of the Engineer (s) and technical team who would be supervising the construction works.
  10. Details of vehicles and machinery owned by the company.          
  11. Organizations Code of Conduct.

How To Apply


The tenderer will be bound to the original text in accordance with the document forwarded in PDF format.   
Eligible and interested tenders should send their original documents to quoting the Tender ref NCA-1018-2025 on or before 10th feb 2025. Late bids after the deadline will be rejected. Applicants can also deposit seal envelope in tender box NCA Dollow office Quoting the Tender ref NCA-1018-2025
Applicants with questions regarding this tender should send to

Skills Required

Company Overview


NCA Act Alliance is an independent humanitarian organization established in Norway to work with people around the world to save lives, eradicate poverty and seek justice together. Together with our international network and partner organisations in t... Read More

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