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Request For Quotations (RFQs) for Procurement for agricultural Input seeds, Seedlings, in Boluburte Hiran Region-Somalia. - WARDI Relief and Development Initiative

Date Posted: Feb 10, 2025
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Tender Detail

Tender Description

1. Introduction

WARDI is one of the leading national non-governmental organizations in Somalia with operational presence across six regions in South Central. Founded in 1993 and dully registered with the Federal Government of Somalia, WARDI’s mission is to provide dignified support to people affected by crises to enable them lead a dignified and prosperous life. WARDI has offices in Mogadishu, Beletweyne and BuloBurte in South Central as well a liaison office in Nairobi. WARDI specializes in responding to humanitarian emergencies, bridging the gap between crisis and resilience as well as long-term developmental projects with track record in implementing high quality health and nutrition, food security and livelihood, education, protection, and WASH interventions. Our programming has the distinct attributes of applying bottom up approach that puts the communities, local authorities and governments (National and Federal states) we work with at the center of our programs.

2. Description of the project

With funding from the World Bank through WV and ACF/WARDI is implementing EU Riverine Project (EU Riverine & Pastoral Food System Strengthening (RFSS) in Hir Shebelle State. The project supports for Food System Strengthening (RFSS) in Hir Shebelle State. WARDI invites interested bidders to place their bids for the Procurement for Agricultural Input seeds in Boluburte. All related specifications related to the procurement are indicated below.

  1. Requirements of the bid
  2. Company profile with detailed physically verifiable contact address
    1. Registration certificate from hirshabelle
    2. Quotation price. Or Annex (A) Signed and stamped
    3. Child Protection Polices Agreement or Annex (B) Signed and stamped
    4. Code of Conduct at Child Protection or Annex (C) Signed and stamped
  3. Delivery location of the goods/services:
  • WARDI Boluburte office is allocated at Nation Road in October Boluburte District, Hiran Region -Somalia.
  1. Currency: US Dollars
  2. Payments: After the fulfillment of the contractual obligations, within 14 days after receipt of invoice
  3. Additional information to be submitted: company registration, company profile. WARDI reserves the right to ask for more documentation.
  4. The Quotation price (Annex A), Child Protection Polices Agreement (Annex B), and the Code of Conduct at Child Protection (Annex C) must be signed.
  5. Completeness of documentation
  6. Partial bids will not be accepted.
  7. Bidders are invited to bid for both lots**.**
  8. Language: English

Bids: Bids must be submitted on company letterhead in a sealed envelope. The bid must be stamped, signed, and dated by the responsible person and indicate the person’s function and full name in capital letters the location is WARDI office, along Lami Yare Road, Bulla Xubey Mogadishu.

  1. By submitting the bid, the bidder agrees to the contract documents sent with the RFQs
  2. Alternative offers are not accepted.

How To Apply

6. Instruction to bidders

  1. All correspondence and documents related to the quotation procedure, contracts and reporting must be written in English.

  2. The financial offer must be drawn up using the BOQ form under The BOQ form can be typed or hand-written with indelible ink, including the company logo and responsible persons.

  3. Offered prices must be quoted in USD.

  4. Delivery times must be indicated.

  5. Delivery conditions, as stated in the attached contract, must be complied with. The regulations in the case of a delay or default of delivery can be found in the attached contract.

  6. Prices must be valid and fixed for a period of 14 days from the deadline of the offer submission.

  7. All submitted offers are final; no modifications will be accepted after its submission.

  8. This RFQ does not commit WARDI to enter into any contract or agreement for products or services with any supplier responding to it.

  9. WARDI reserves the right to accept or reject any quote, to annul the solicitation process, and reject all quotes at any time prior to award of PO, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected vendor.

  10. The process will be a competitive procedure without negotiation. WARDI also reserves its right to accept an offer without prior negotiation.

  11. Evaluations of Quotations: Only complete bids that include full documentation will be evaluated and bids that don’t fulfill all requirements listed will be excluded from the evaluation.

  12. An Award of a Purchase Order (PO)/Contract: a PO/Contract will be awarded to the bidder with the most economic bid (price and technical qualifications). The successful bidder will sign a PO/Contract with the General Conditions of Contract for Procurement of Goods or Services.

  13. Please send all further questions and inquiries at the following address []/[alongside Lami yare road, Wadajir, Mogadishu office. To maintain equal treatment among the bidders, all questions and answers asked before the submission deadline will be transferred to all applicants.

  14. Contract performance by subcontractors is not allowed.

Deadline for submission of bids

The invited bidders are required to submit their quotations at the WARDI Mogadishu office, Banadir region of Somalia. Original sealed envelopes with quotations should be dropped at the above-mentioned office address on 23 of February 2025 latest at 4:00 pm.

Skills Required

Company Overview


WARDI Relief & Development Initiatives is a national non-profit making and non-governmental organization founded on 20 June, 1993 and subsequently registered under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the transitional federal government of Somalia... Read More

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