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Terms of Reference for Field trials of Innovative Approach Consultant - Welthungerhilfe

Date Posted: Feb 17, 2025
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    Feb 24, 2025

Job Description



Consultancy:  Re-advert Field trials of Innovative Approach Consultant

Project: Climate-Resilient WASH  and Livelihoods Package for   Resilient Somali Landscapes

Contracting Agency: WHH

Location: Burao, Somaliland


Our Reference: Re-Advert_SOM 1065/2024/077




1.1. About Welthungerhilfe

Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is one of the biggest private humanitarian and development organizations in Germany. It was founded as the National Committee for the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in 1962. Welthungerhilfe is non-profit, non-political, and non-denominational. It has operations in about 40 countries worldwide (Asia, Africa and Latin America). Welthungerhilfe has been active in Somaliland since 2001 as maintained an office in Hargeisa and now sub-offices in Borama and Burao. Welthungerhilfe in Somaliland focuses on multi-sector approaches by linking climate-adaptive Agriculture and Natural Resource Protection with Economic Development, as well as safe, sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene solutions and Nutrition Practices at the household level. To empower women and achieve gender equality, we recognize gender main streaming in our projects and program as critical and strategic. We aim at strengthening decision-making powers of marginalized groups through fostering an enabling and respectful environment that includes men, women, youth, children, elderly, and people with disabilities to support them in leading self-determined lives.


1.2. Brief about the project 

The Climate-resilient WASH and Livelihoods Package for Resilient Somali Landscapes project aims to strengthen the livelihoods and resilience of vulnerable agrarian and agro-pastoralist people by protecting and restoring key natural resources and WASH services in agrarian, pastoral, and agropastoral areas through community-led actions and improving market access for key rural value chains.


Outcome 1: The livelihoods of 25,434 people are strengthened through stabilization and restoration of pastoral, agropastoral and agrarian areas. To achieve this, the project will conduct field trials of new approaches to natural resource management.

Output 1.1.12: Conduct field trials of innovative approaches to natural resources management with protected areas to promote landscape restoration and climate resilient fodder production and access.

The purpose / objective of the assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to identify, test, develop and demonstrate innovative biological and mechanical landscape restoration techniques, that can sustainably support the long-term livelihoods of the agro-pastoral and pastoral communities living in the project target areas and contribute to sustainable natural resource utilization and conservation.

Important Dates:

Welthungerhilfe will strictly observe the following important dates to guarantee timely delivery of the service. Potential bidders are also expected to strictly observe this timeline; failure to do so will automatically lead to disqualification from participation in the tender competition process.

1.       Tender Overview

This is a Public invitation to express interest in the above-mentioned service provision.

The following documents constitute the tender dossier:

A.  Tender invitation (this document)

B.  Annexes

I: Supplier Declaration form (only for companies)

III: Terms and Conditions for International Procurement of Goods and Services

III. Terms of Reference (ToR)_ field trials of innovative approaches to natural resource management consultant

IIII. Reference for qouation  

Experiences and Qualifications



 The consultant should have a minimum master's degree in a relevant field such as environmental science and natural resource management.


 Professional Experience

a.    Technical expertise includes extensive knowledge of landscape restoration practices and sustainable rangeland management.

b.    The consultant should have deep expertise in techniques and approaches for restoring degraded landscapes, as well as managing rangelands in a sustainable manner.

c.    the consultant must have a strong understanding of how climate change impacts rangelands and pastoral livelihoods, as well as strategies for adapting to and mitigating these challenges.

d.    The consultant should be familiar with the policies, plans, and environmental regulations governing land use and management in Somaliland.

e.    Research Skills: 

-  Ability to conduct field trials and demonstrate innovative landscape restoration techniques

- The consultant must have the skills and experience to design, implement, and evaluate field trials of new restoration approaches

- Proficient in data collection methods, including field surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions, with strong analytical skills for both qualitative and quantitative analysis

f.  Experience working with international NGOs and development agencies on similar consultancies.

g. Fluency in English, oral and written.

h. The ability to communicate in Somali is a strong advantage.




The technical evaluation precedes the financial evaluation. Only bidders who meets the technical evaluation score (minimum score 50/70) will be considered for financial evaluation. The sum of the technical and financial will determine the winner of the bid. Technical Score (70%) Financial Score (30%) Bidders who meet the technical minimum score / requirement could be engaged in negotiation.



·         Technical narrative (Detailed work plan, methodology for the field trials, timeline and schedule for the field trials and activities)

·         Financial proposal with days for the assignment and an all-inclusive daily rate.

·         CV of the consultant with at least 3 contactable references of similar work

·         Submission of a sample of similar or related work done in the last 3 years, preferably in Somaliland or environments of a similar context.

·         Fill out supplier declaration form as attached.


Note: for further information refer to the attached TOR.

4.  Participation The tender is open to interested individuals, legally in Somaliland with proven relevant experience as stated in section 2 of this document. Companies are not eligible to apply. .     5.  Anti-Terrorism Policy The Contracting Authority renounces all forms of terrorism and will never knowingly support, tolerate or encourage terrorism or the activities of those who embrace terrorism or money laundering. Consistent with numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions, including S/RES/1269(1999), S/RES 1368(2001), and S/RES1373(2001) and the European Union, the Contracting Authority is firmly committed to the international fight against terrorism and, in particular, against the financing of terrorism. The Contracting Authority's policy ensures that none of its and its donor funds are used, directly or indirectly, to support individuals or entities associated with terrorism or money laundering. Therefore, the Contracting Authority will regularly match their suppliers and Service providers against the Sanctions lists. By submitting an offer, suppliers and service providers agree to this.


6.  The language of the bid

The tender, all correspondence, and documents related to the tender exchanged by the bidder and the Contracting Authority (WHH) must be written in the language of the procedure, which is the English language.


7.  Contradiction or errors in the bid documents

If the bidder notices contradictions or errors in the bid document or unclear specifications, the bidder must clarify the issue by making queries before the deadline for submitting inquiries/questions (Refer to important dates).

WHH hereby commits to clarify all queries to all interested bidders upon request in email/ messaging form  in the given email shared by the procurement department.


8.  Alteration or withdrawal of bids

Bidders may alter or withdraw their tenders by written notification through the EU-supply portal before submitting the bid document. No bid may be altered after this deadline. Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the tender procedure.

No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission and bid opening of bids and the expiry of the tender validity period. Any correction of information must be explicit and confirmed in email/messaging form.

9.  Errors in Calculations

Bids submitted by interested bidders will be checked for any arithmetical errors in computation and summation. Errors will be corrected by the evaluation committee as follows:

·         Where there is a discrepancy between figures and words, the amount in words will be considered.

·         Where there is a discrepancy between a unit price and the total amount derived from the multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit price as quoted will be the price considered.

·         Amounts corrected in this way will be binding on the bidder. If the bidder does not accept them, its bid will be rejected.

10.   Timeframe

The expected duration for this consultancy is roughly 66 days, excluding travel dates, commencing from the date of signing of the contract.

11.  Prices

All prices in your proposal must be indicated in Daily rate USD ONLY. Quotations stated in other currencies will not be considered in the awarding process.

12.  Confidentially

All documents and data acquired from documents during interviews and meetings are confidential and used solely for the consultancy purposes. The documentation and all material linked to the service providion  (produced by the service provider) are confidential and always remain on the property of Welthungerhilfe.


13.  Ordering Party / Consignee

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.

Hargeisa, Masale area Behind Ambassador Hotel Close to Djibouti Consulate.


14. Selection and Evaluation Criteria of the bidders

Bids submitted by qualified tenderers will be assessed. Tenderers that are not qualified according to the requirements below will be notified thereof. Failure to submit the requested documentation may result in rejection of the tender. The evaluation process will be done as indicated in the below table. However, documents will be reviewed prior to the evaluation process only bidders who submit their required documents will undertake further considerations.

How To Apply


All interested and qualified companies/firms or individual consultants must submit their corresponding documents (CVs, valid tax compliance certificates or business registration permits, sample reports, technical proposals, Financial Proposals and two professional referees) via  with the subject line of “Consultancy_ Field trials of Innovative Approach 

 - not later than 24th  Febuary 2025 at 23:59 PM EAT.


1.     Appeals

Tenderers believing that an error or irregularity has harmed them during the award process may file a complaint at

NB: This invitation for expression of interest remains valid without signature validation!

Skills Required

Company Overview


Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid agencies in Germany; politically and religiously independent. The organisation fights for "Zero Hunger by 2030". Since being founded in 1962, it has provided funding of EUR 4.2 billion for more than... Read More

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